Fox is on track to delay the release of Watchmen.
An attorney for 20th Century Fox said the studio will continue to seek an order delaying the release of “Watchmen.”
U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess last week agreed with Fox that Warner Bros. had infringed its copyright by developing and shooting the superhero flick, scheduled for release March 6.
Feess said Monday that he plans to hold a trial Jan. 20 to decide remaining issues.
Fox claimed it never fully relinquished story rights from its deal made in the late 1980s, and sued Warner Bros. in February. Warner Bros. contended that Fox isn’t entitled to distribution.
Warner Bros.’ attorney said Monday he didn’t know if an appeal was coming, but thinks a trial is necessary and a settlement unlikely.
In case it wasn’t obvious, 20th Century Fox is a division of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, just like Fox News. If you’re not familiar with Watchmen, it is the most important graphic novel ever written – and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Not even Bill Kristol wrong, I mean like “tenth dentist” wrong. The release of Watchmen – set for 3/6/09 – is effectively the biggest comic book movie event since the release of Superman in 1978, and the early reviews are very, very strong.
So trust me when I say that Fox is giving the geek fanbase the biggest slap in the face since Joel Schumacher put nipples on the Batsuit. So fuck Fox – I’m boycotting all Fox films, including Wolverine. You think you can pull that kind of shit and still get me to come out and see your third rate X-Men spinoff? Not happening. These are the assholes who killed Firefly and released all those shitty Star Wars prequels. They are dead to me. I am an angry, angry geek.