Delaware Liberal

Markell Still in Town Hall Mode

This came across my email this morning:

Parents, educators and other interested Delawareans are invited to join Governor-elect Jack Markell on Monday, Jan. 5, for a town hall meeting to discuss ways the state’s education system can be made more effective and efficient. This meeting is the latest in a series of town hall discussions Governor-elect Markell is holding to generate ideas from the public as he prepares to take office facing very challenging economic times.

The meeting will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Kent County Administrative Complex on 555 Bay Road in Dover. Please share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested. If you cannot attend the meeting but have ideas, please submit them on

I really hope that he can keep up the public input opportunities.  I just wish that he would have these meetings a little later in the evening so that the gainfully employed could attend…

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