Delaware Liberal

Newspapers Are Dead, Long Live Newspapers

4&20 blackbirds pointed me to this Pew Research Center study that shows that the internet has taking over the newspaper as a source for national and international news for Americans.

I would agree with 4&20 blackbirds that it was quite a jump there from 2007. However, 4&20 blackbirds writes:

. . . they were better to go to the internet and read the huge variety of sources, with their huge variety of bias’, to figure out for themselves where the truth lie.


As for the economy, there were so many related but informational sources (like the stock exchange, or the Federal Reserve, or any source of economic statistics) that no news story could have given a thorough dose of information.

This is where I would disagree. Yes, the internet had a big jump, however it is my belief is that Americans were using AP, Reuters, New York Times, Washington Post and other big city newspapers as their sources for information on the internet. As we have already discussed here at DL, newspapers are learning how to adapt.

I am well aware that many readers of Delaware Liberal will say, “Not me, I look around and google and try to find different sources.” No argument there, however, the Delaware Liberal reader is atypical in regards to internet usage.

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