I Wasn’t Sure How I Felt About Panetta Until…

Filed in National by on January 6, 2009

Dianne Feinstein and Jay Rockefeller – two of Bush’s most ardent enablers – came out against him.  Now, just like Glenn Greenwald, I’m lovin’ the pick.

 Spencer Ackerman reports that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is upset with the selection of Panetta, petulantly complaining that she wasn’t consulted in advance and that it would be best to have an “intelligence professional” in that position.  CQ‘s Tim Starks reports that Sen. Jay Rockefeller is making very similar noises about this selection.  Few things could reflect better on Panetta’s selection than the fact that Feinstein and Rockefeller — two of the most Bush-enabling Senators — are unhappy with it.

And it’s ironic that after eight years of giving a Republican President everything he wanted, these two suddenly find their tongues.  Lest we forget Feinstein voted for all of Bush’s nominees to run the CIA, including Porter Goss, and General Michael Hayden.  Not to mention she loves her some Patriot Act.  Amending the Constitution to outlaw flag burning is on her greatest hits playlist, as well.

Ryeland of Kos digs up this little nugget:

When it was President Bush appointing an idiot like Goss, here’s what Feinstein thought:
I believe the President should have the prerogative to appoint who he wants to be the DCI, or for any other senior position, subject only to the requirement that the person be qualified for the job.

Feinstein needs to sit down and shut up, which shouldn’t be too difficult since she’s had eight years of practice.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. June says:

    Pandora, Ditto for me. When I heard that Dems were critcizing the selection, I thought “now, what.” When I heard why they were critical, I thought “this might be Obama’s best appointment.”

    If he wants to put someone in there who was completely removed from the last 8 years of criminal activity in the CIA, I say HALLELUJAH!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    What is her problem? Is she mad because Obama didn’t call her? Maybe she’s figured out that Obama doesn’t want her input.

    Getting rid of the Bush torture machine does seem to be one thing that Obama is really intent on doing. His choices yesterday for Solicitor General and other legal advisory functions reflect this. Panetta was a surprise choice but I can’t say I’m unhappy that he’s an outsider. We need someone untainted. And if Panetta is as much as a take-charge type as we’ve heard than he can be very successful.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    Isn’t that building that is known as CIA headquarters named after a non spook who once headed the agency. If I recall it is named after George H. W. Bush

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, TT. I read that two of the best CIA chiefs came from non-intelligence backgrounds. What better way to bring change than to bring someone from the outside?

  5. jason330 says:

    Dianne Feinstein…what a effing loser.

  6. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo thinks it was Kos who wrote something like, “It’s not enough to elect more Democrats. We must elect better Democrats.”

    Feinstein and Harry Reid illustrate that point perfectly.

  7. pandora says:

    Reid is a complete waste of space. The Burris fiasco is just one example. I’m so sick of Reid puffing out his chest, throwing down the gauntlet, and then slinking away. And for what? Blago won this round.

  8. Geezer says:

    But…but….she’s from San Francisco!

  9. TPN says:

    Well said all around. Feinstein’s problem is likely that Panetta is a Californian who knows his way around the Hill better than she does. He’s always been a cool head under pressure and would be methodical and determined if he intends (I hope) to make much-needed changes over at the Company.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Old, cold-war paradigm-livin’ hacks need to shut the fuck up!

    Good pick seal of approval…


  11. liberalgeek says:

    I was feeling good about the pick when Feinstein was angry. Now that I know that TPN likes the pick, I’m unsure. 🙂

  12. TPN says:

    LOL…(ya bastid).

    Since that’s the way it is ’round here, let me just say I Luuuuuv (yes, capital L) Luuuuuuuuuuuuv Obama now!!! Love him!!!!

  13. Truth Teller says:

    Remember folks it was Feinstein and Schumer who gave us Roberts and Alito

  14. donviti says:

    the greatest thing about the internet is the ability to pull up quotes so quickly!

    It is the worst thing that ever happened to politicians.

  15. El Somnambulo says:

    Truth Teller wrote: “Remember folks it was Feinstein and Schumer who gave us Roberts and Alito.”

    El Somnambulo recalls Joe Lieberman and Tom Carper also setting themselves up as sober heads to combat the excessive partisanship in the Senate. In that faux capacity, they paved the way for the ‘straight up-and-down vote’ that led to the Alito & Roberts confirmations.

    In typical weasel fashion, Carper voted against the filibuster and then voted against the candidates during the roll call.

    Carper is one ‘Democrat’ not worthy of the name. Better Democrats, pipples!

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    We’re definitely in need of better Democrats. I was confused when the first tapes came out how Blagojevich was able to get and hold on to power. The guy may be a corrupt idiot but he’s a genius at playing people against each other. I’m somewhat amused (in a sad way) about how Blago has played Reid and Burris.