Filed in National by on January 6, 2009

Does murdering innocent people win over the hearts and minds of the people you don’t want to kill you?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Snoop-Diggity-DANG-Dawg says:

    I guess not. It hasn’t worked yet for Hamas, in any case.

  2. anon says:

    No but it can change their behavior, which is the goal of terrorism (i.e, Hamas rocket attacks).

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, random punishment can be very effective. Look at what the KKK did. It’s how violent people keep power over a majority that does not support them.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Like Rove and Cheney.

    Yes, I said that.

  5. anon says:

    The random punishment and murder of innocents inflicted by the Hamas rocket attacks is extremely successful in winning hearts and minds (and votes) of Palestinians.

    And, it was extremely successful in changing the behavior of Israelis (although Hamas is still working on the Israeli hearts and minds).

  6. Sharon says:

    Which Americans did Rove and Cheney randomly punish? Or murder, for that matter?

  7. nemski says:

    It really doesn’t matter whether you don’t want them to kill you, the fact of the matter is some people just want to kill you. By you, I’m speaking of the Jews and by people, I’m speaking the fundamentalist Muslims.

  8. sharon,

    we don’t know yet, they still haven’t actually been to court yet….

  9. or you could say the military guys for sending them to Iraq when there were no WMD’s and other countless lies

  10. RSmitty says:

    Ooo, that was too fun and easy.

    Rove simply punished all Americans by way of his asenine campaign tactics and blackballing efforts of all who disagreed with him.

    Cheney is a dark overlord. Who didn’t know that? Seriously, I predicted back in 2000, when he was named the VP candidate that we were going to get into some crap in the Middle East. I may have been young, but it wasn’t hard to remember the players in the “Pro” Afghanistan (quotes are on purpose) days of the Regan administration, back when the Soviets were busy getting their arses kicked around in there. My God! They all popped up in the early Bush administration! Say it ain’t so! Gasp!

    Also, hopefully he doesn’t take more friends quail hunting. 😆

  11. h. says:

    I don’t think the Israelis give a shit if anyone is on their side anymore……except maybe U.S.

  12. Smarter Than Donviti says:

    Is the kinship Don Viti shows with the Palestinians due to the fact that neither the Italians or the Palestinians have ever won a war?

  13. Dana says:

    h got it right:

    I don’t think the Israelis give a shit if anyone is on their side anymore……except maybe U.S.

    They learned rather the hard way about the efficacy of depending upon others for their freedom and security. They have learned to trust no one but themselves.

    Ariel Sharon gave up on the Palestinians as negotiating partners, and just flat pulled out of Gaza, and said, “Here, it’s yours, make whatever you can out of it.” Gaza has few natural resources, but it has great beaches. If the Palestinians had just had enough freaking sense to stop fighting, to stop shooting rockets into Israel, Israel wouldn’t be there now, and the Europeans would be dumping euros by the boatload into resorts there.

    But no, the Palestinians didn’t have enough sense to take what they had and stop shooting.

    There’s a country song called Alcohol, which says that alcohol can make you pick fights with somebody twice your size. As nearly as I can tell, the Palestinians are all alcoholics!

  14. Disbelief says:

    Smarter Than Donviti, I think Rome used to own the world. They won a lot of wars doing that.

  15. June says:

    “They learned rather the hard way about the efficacy of depending upon others for their freedom and security. They have learned to trust no one but themselves.”

    If that’s the case, then they should tell the U.S. not to send anymore money or weapons to help them destroy Gaza. Let them do it on their own because I’ll be darned if I want my taxes paying to kill all these innocent children. And nothing is going to be accomplished!!

  16. pandora says:

    I’ve reached the conclusion that the Israelis and Palestinians are in a co-dependent relationship. On some level this situation works for them. If it didn’t… it would change.

  17. dis,

    thank you very much.