Delaware Liberal

More Evidence That Ron Williams Is a Useless Dim Wit

Today’s Williams bullshit makes me pity people who read the newspaper for information.

Running into Mike Castle over the holidays led to an obvious question and he came back with the obvious answer. He’ll either retire, which wife Jane favors enthusiastically, run again for the House, or go for Joe Biden’s open Senate seat in 2010.

Sheesus Mary and Jospeh…notice how Rong has to get in the fact that he goes to all the cool holiday cocktail parties? That’s a very Celia Cohen lead right there.

But the real laughable part is that Williams is playing along with this UTTER BS that Castle is considering a run for the Senate (which he is not and I am 100% sure on that – so you can take that to the bank.)

Even Williams himself kind of admits later that after his lackluster House career, Castle does not have the balls to run a real race for the Senate.

Williams says that if Castle decides to go for the Senate, the Delaware Way will let him have it by putting up a tomato can like Karen Hartley Nagle.

Earth to Williams…nobody is going to give Castle a Senate seat as a retirement present you dip shit!

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