Homeland Security

Filed in National by on January 8, 2009

I swear I hate the term “Homeland Security.” “Homeland” sounds too much like Motherland (Russia) or Fatherland (Nazi Germany). And given the way the department operated under Bush, those comparisions to Communism and Fascism are appropriate. I would much prefer that we just drop the “Homeland” from the phrase. Janet Napolitano is now the nominee to be Secretary of Security. And Lewis Schiliro would be the Jack Markell’s nominee to be the Secretary fo Safety and Security.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I second that.

    All in favor?….

    The motion is passed by acclaimation.

    Well done DD.

  2. anonone says:

    Maybe you need to come in for a little questioning, eh, DD? Make you happier with Homeland Security, OK? You’re not planning to fly soon, are you?

  3. Truth Teller says:

    I believe that you have family back in the Fatherland

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    You know what they say – if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. I’m just going to give you a little tazer shot to keep you calm.

  5. TPN says:

    Amen amen amen!!! I have refused to use this heinous crypto-fascist term unless forced (such as when referring to that massive federal pustule, the DHS).

    The first official use of this totalitarian-tinged reference to our country probably marked the time of my first salvos of open rebuke of Bush et al.

    On second thought, it might have been the introduction of the “PATRIOT” farce.

    Get rid of it!

  6. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “Fatherland (Nazi Germany). }” No, we used to call it Fatherland in Austria…..Germany calls it decidedly “Heimatland” hence Homeland.
    TPN you say

    it might have been the introduction of the “PATRIOT” farce.
    Now you catching on, take it a little further and google “Patriot Act vs German Enabling Act of 1933 and another light will off.
    The wording is almost the same. Giving the “Leader” (Fuehrer) the power.

  7. Dana says:

    Well, while I agree with you concerning the name of the department, perhaps you could be more specific as to “the way the department operated under Bush, those comparisions to Communism and Fascism are appropriate,” with some actual facts.

    How many people have been pulled out of their homes by DHS in the middle of the night, and thrown in concentration camps? How many left-wing blogs have been silenced? Andrew Sullivan, is he in jail yet?

    I am continually amazed and amused at the people who yell “Fascist!” in a country where we just had a free election in which the people had the option, and exercised that option, to change the government.

  8. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “how many people have been pulled out of their home”….
    it was almost 10 years after passage of the Enabling act, for this activity to begin.
    This does not lesson the attempt of concentrating
    powers by the executive through the Patriot Act. Vigilance is always advisable.

    Can it happen here, I don’t think so. Americans still believe in “Give me Liberty of give me death”

  9. anonone says:

    Hey Dana,

    I’ll play – how many Americans have had their phones tapped without warrants?

    How many Americans have had their free speech stifled by the PATRIOT act?

    How many people have been searched without warrants by TSA?

    How many Americans have been banned from free-travel without cause or due process?

    How many Americans have been tortured willy-nilly by Tasers?

    How many Americans have had their votes not counted or been denied the right to vote?

    Freedom in this country has been dying the slow death of a thousand cuts because of freedom-hating repubs like you. I am amazed that people like you can’t see that.