A Shudder Goes Through Hube’s House

Filed in National by on January 9, 2009

Spider Man is an Obama fan. 


…and vice versa.  The full story can be read here.

h/t nemski in the lower post.

Note: This is the guy Spidey says he mistook Joe Biden for on a train.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Sorry about the lousy picture sizing to anyone who cares about that kind of thing.

  2. arthur says:

    Is it just me or does the obama rendition look like OJ?

  3. G Rex says:

    Of course Spidey loves Obama – he works for a newspaper.

    Apparently Spidey holds a basketball game in the story to prove which Obama is the real one and which is the impostor, but I would have challenged them to bowl – the one with the most gutter balls is the president. Of course, the question is moot, since we elected an impostor in the first place.

  4. X Stryker says:

    Actually, I think the Spiderman rendering is far worse than the Obama rendering. If you look at the full version of the panel on the right (my browser and/or WordPress is cuts off at the middle of the panel), Spiderman’s head looks positively cro-magnon.

    But at least under Obama, Parker will finally be able to afford to get that treated by a doctor. I hope.

  5. Mark H says:

    Actually, he looks like a skinny Sam Wilson (The Falcon)

  6. Dominique says:

    This is absolutely disgraceful. First he’s photographed coming out of the ocean as though he’s some kind of a pin-up. Now, he’s on the cover of a comic book. It’s like he’s become a caricature. Has everyone forgotten that this is the effing president of the United States and not some stupid teen idol? What’s next, Celebrity Apprentice???

  7. anonone says:

    I guess in your silly world of fascinating Sarah Palin and her “valuable vagina,” Presidents aren’t allowed to swim in bathing suits. Oh, and I guess you’d like to see comic books censored, too

    All this coming from the person who referred to Obama as “President Pepsi”. You’re the disgraceful one, Duminique.

    And here’s some pictures of your hero:


  8. jason330 says:


    Are you asking why can’t Obama be as dignified as George W. Bush?

  9. Dominique says:

    yes, anonass, that’s what i mean. i want comic books censored, you pathetic fucktard. you are a worthless waste of keystrokes. the most remedial concepts are beyond your grasp.

    jason, it’s not a comment about obama at all. it’s a comment about the way the president is being portrayed by the media. sorry, but if the president is on a magazine cover, i’d prefer it be something like time or newsweek. don’t you think it kind of denegrates the office when he’s being portrayed as something as frivolous as a comic book character or a pin-up model?

  10. jason330 says:

    People like the guy. He moves magazines. I think your gripe may be with capitalism.

  11. anonone says:

    you pathetic fucktard. you are a worthless waste of keystrokes. the most remedial concepts are beyond your grasp.

    Coming from you, Duminique, someone who analogizes to the first African-American to a brown soft drink (“President Pepsi”), I’ll take that as a complement.

    On the other hand, it shows the brilliance and depth of your intellectual ability. Still “fascinated with Palin” and her “valuable vagina”? Did you hang those pictures I linked to on your wall?

  12. someone who analogizes to the first African-American to a brown soft drink

    Huh? How the fuck could you POSSIBLY turn Dom’s comment into a racial thing? My god, A1, I thought you at least had a few scruples of decency. Jesus Christ enough with the race card.

  13. anonone says:

    How the fuck could you POSSIBLY turn Dom’s comment into a racial thing?

    It was easy. You picked up on it pretty quickly. Comments like that are pretty much modus operandi for Duminique.

    By the way, have you considered changing the name of your blog from “Down With Absolutes” to “Up With Fuck”? It seems to be your favorite word.

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    Yeah, really. Pepsi is only brown because it’s full of artificial coloring. But wait…is Dom saying Obama is full of gas? (I think the original comment was a swipe at the Obama logo, which looks like the Pepsi logo).

  15. nemski says:

    Dominque comes in and posts a lot of bizarre comments and Mike goes after A1.

  16. Nemski,

    Re-read my comment. I was calling out dumb-fuck A1 for claiming Dominique is a racist because Pepsi happens to be brown when, in fact, Al nails it in his comment above.

    Anyone who’s seen Obama’s new logo and HASN’T immediately thought of that sugary-shit beverage is either a moron or hasn’t been earthbound in the last 20 years.

  17. h. says:

    Brown pepsi … Obama … racist … uh,I think it’s about as racist as Harry Reid not wanting to sit Burris.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Dom, have you read the comic?

    Anyway, keep the complaining at a minimum until an Obama Flightsuit Action Figure hits the market.
