Deep Out of Touch Thought

Filed in National by on January 9, 2009

I find it odd that Republicans in Congress (and some Democrats cough..Harry Reid…Cough…Tom Carper) are hoping for a big public backlash against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    They’ve been drinking the kool-aid. I think some Democrats do feel threatened by the change Obama is bringing. They came to power under the old system.

  2. jason330 says:

    I guess. Still it is strange since Obama’s stimulus plan is a) popular* outside the beltway & b) better than the Congressional** alternative.

    * 79 percent of Americans favor the stimulus, versus just 17 percent opposed.

    **Congress favors complete economic meltdown followed by “Mad Max” style feudalism. In which Mitch McConnell gets to ride on the hood of Gas tanker shooting crossbows at motorcyclists while dressed like an Oakland Raiders fan.

  3. anon says:

    This is where Obama will pay the price for playing in the center.

    Obama needs to wield the Presidential hammer on wobbly Dems like Reid and Carper. That is how he will get bills passed – not by appeasing Republicans.

  4. I guess this is the change we are going to get. If those guys are against it then I am for it.

  5. Geezer says:

    Really? Paying a price for going with a plan that 79% of the public agrees with? Good luck with that. Whether you like it or not, that’s the big part of the bell curve, and by definition that’s where most people are.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Congress favors complete economic meltdown followed by “Mad Max” style feudalism

    Does that make the US Captol Thunderdome? Who gets Tina Turner’s role?

    Maybe you should think about resurrecting your old movie-themed post and ask for who would be what role from the Mad Max series? I think Harry Reid is that weird, bald dude with that mask on a stick, attached to his back. The one that gets tossed from the train in Thunderdome.

  7. Rebecca says:

    I have to admit the $3000 tax break to companies who create new jobs looks sorta stupid to me. If the company needs new workers they will hire them to make more profit. If they don’t, $3000 isn’t going to get them to hire an employee they don’t need. Looks to me like they were throwing something into the cage with the R’s to keep them less hostile.

    I can’t figure out whether all the bipartisan stuff will work in the face of the crisis, or whether the R’s are just going to rip off Obama’s arms and beat him with them. Historically, that’s what has happened whenever our side has tried to reach a happy medium. Boehner has suddenly become an advocate of balancing the budget — WTF is that about after eight years of borrow and spend? Just crazy!

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m not for appeasing the Republicans by throwing more money at rich people. They can grandstand all they want, they are on the unpopular side of public opinion right now. Obama needs to use some of his political capital right now to get this bill passed.

    I heard Mitch McConnell on NPR this morning. He wouldn’t promise not to filibuster the stimulus package. He said something like he’s sure that the bill can get 60 votes. That sounds like a plan to filibuster to me. Anyone else catch that?

  9. anon says:

    Remember, these are Senators. Their game plan is to pretend they have reservations so they can hold out for more money for their state.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s what I’m afraid of anon. I hope this doesn’t turn into profiteering for the politically connected.

  11. Arthur Downs says:

    Will the snake oil of Obamanomics really pull us out of a recession?

    Look at the dismal record of the New Deal and its attempt to micromanage all aspects of the economy. After four years of a diet of ‘alphabet soup’ , did things really get better?

    Can Obama really sell ‘pork’ as ‘investments’?

    Perhaps Franklin Delano Raines can get a job in the new Administration. Representative Kanjorski might offer his expertise in energy innovation. How many remember the scam that his family worked on the taxpayers?

  12. anon says:

    That’s what I’m afraid of anon. I hope this doesn’t turn into profiteering for the politically connected.

    That is why Obama needs to convince them they have more to lose by opposing him. He needs to be a real bastard to the holdouts. Paging Rahm Emmanuel…

  13. jason330 says:

    Look at the dismal record of the New Deal and its attempt to micromanage all aspects of the economy.

    Arthur Downs is a dumbshit: Exhibit “A”

  14. X Stryker says:

    Right, Art, the New Deal (FDIC, SEC, Social Security, Medicare, anybody?) was soooo much worse than the laissez-faire 1929-1932 efforts that simply allowed the problems to get worse and worse. Cutting unemployment in half, getting the GDP growing again, making sure people had food to eat – OH THAT TERRIBLE NEW DEAL!