Interesting and not surprising

Filed in National by on January 9, 2009

I am unemployed as some of you know. I called the unemployment office today to see if I was supposed to claim my benefits in Delaware even though a portion of my income last year and most recently came from Pa. She said I did have to come in an “reopen my existing claim”.

I asked her if I could do it over the phone. She said sorry no. I asked if there was a good time to come to the office as I have a 3 month old child.

“No…not really. It’s bad all day long. A lot of people are being laid off”

Best. President. Ever.

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hiding in the open

Comments (8)

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  1. Karmicjay says:

    Did you hear anything from the person you were waiting to hear from? It is bad out there, but I hope that things look up for you.
    Hang in and best wishes!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Apply for the Democratic Party jobs! Good luck to you. I’m still waiting to hear about my job situation. They are really keeping us hanging here.

  3. anon says:

    Funny how Bush told us to go out and shop, but now he can’t tell business to go out and hire.

    I’m serious – why not use the bully pulpit? It can’t hurt. He’d be speaking to his base anyway.

  4. Karmic

    No, hoping sometime today.

    Just got back from the office. About 75 people were in the room waiting to fill out claims

  5. Mike Protack says:

    So, President Bush is directly responsible for your job loss? If so, can you give us the details?

    Why the attitude? Pres Obama’s hope and change will pay your bills.

  6. jen says:

    Jeez. Can Protack be any more demeaning? Doesn’t he have a flight to catch?

    Job loss, or the threat of job loss, is crushing. Our jobs, good or bad, are very much parts of our identities as adults.

  7. Mike Protack says:

    I know very well about layoffs.

    My company laid off or reduced 28% of pilot jobs after 9/11. The rest of us lost our pensions and 38% of our pay.

    I have to ask if Bush is responsible for him losing his job, was Bush responsible for him getting a job?

  8. delacrat says:


    9/11 happened on Bush’s watch.

    So Bush is why your company cut 28% of the pilots, & you lost your pension.

    But you’d rather be a Republican, than connect the dots.