The GOP’s War on Reality Continues

Filed in National by on January 11, 2009

GOP foot soldier, Joe The (Fake) Plumber, shares his deep thoughts:

h/t eschaton

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. This dude is a fucking sycophant lunatic. Of course, Michelle Malkin thinks he’s a genius.

    He’s not reporting any news over there. He IS the news, as evidenced by that video.

  2. jason330 says:

    I thought it would be cringe inducing, but HOLY SHIT! It made me sad to be the same species.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Don’t know that I would be so quick to make assumptions about species, Jason.

    This guy is an idiot. But you already knew that, right? There he is pontificating about the media should not be in war and then why is it that he is standing on the edge of one?

  4. Rebecca says:

    I really hoped his 15 minutes were over. That the AP is putting out his commentary certainly is a sign of how compromised they are, and they are the only agency left. So very sad.

    Thank you bloggers!

  5. Art Downs says:

    Joe is more of a plumber than some people on this forum are activists.

    Does he earn his living in the plumbing trade, working with pipes that carry liquid? Yes or no?

    He may not have a master plumbers license, but that does not mean that he is not worthy of the title. Many of the industrial firms where I have worked had many people who were called ‘electricians’ who do not have the associated license. They work under someone who does.

    I see a certain snobbishness on the part of some self-styled “progressives” when it comes to people who work at a trade where they get their hands dirty. They seem to think a sociologist or a ‘political scientest’ is far above someone who wrestles turds for a living.

    Which service gets called at 3 am when there is a problem? How many ‘political scientists’ are listed in the yellow pages?

  6. pandora says:

    Did he just fire himself?

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    He’s right that war is a downer. We should definitely watch more propaganda films.


    We think Joe is stupid because he’s stupid (and he’s a liar).

  8. Rebecca says:

    What U.I. Said!

    I love my plumber and he’s licensed and smart! When he talks I listen. This guy is just a sorry excuse for the dumbness of the Republican Party.

  9. nemski says:

    Art wrote I see a certain snobbishness on the part of some self-styled “progressives” when it comes to people who work at a trade where they get their hands dirty. They seem to think a sociologist or a ‘political scientest’ is far above someone who wrestles turds for a living.

    Thanks for the generalization Art.

  10. jason330 says:

    He has nothing else. We are all effete francophile ‘political scientest’ according to his f’ed up worldview.

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    Just to clarify – the blogosphere is full of self-styled experts, many of whom are anonymous so we don’t know what their qualifications are. They rise to prominence based on the strength of their analysis. Joe the Plumber did none of those things. He rose to “prominence” by lying to Obama and because McCain couldn’t actually find someone who would see their taxes raised on a small business. So, Joe the not-plumber, country singer, author, journalist has a lot to prove before he can be taken seriously. It’s not working for him so far.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    He’s disqualified himself as an objective observer once he demonstrated an active bias and/or just a plain misunderstanding of political and economic systems….meaning his first foray onto the national scene.

    Joe’s no more a proper journalist than that douchebag Palin interviewer, Zeigler.

  13. liz says:

    Art: no Joe hasnt been a plumber for some time. He lied saying he wanted to “buy the company he was working for”, the company denied the entire matter. In fact, he hadnt paid taxes either when he did work. Just another neo con willing to sell his soul and lie. Newsmax that right wing extreme group are already putting out the story that “all repukes should reject Obama’s stimulus package. How’s that for fixing the country they destroyed with their voodoo economics.