Delaware Liberal

UPDATE II: Delaware Liberal DE Politico’s Futures Market: The Markell Team Edition

Updated:  With tommywonk’s “buy” recommendation for Velda Jones-Potter, I believe the list is complete.  


If you could buy stock shares in the members of Markell’s team, where would the smart money be going?

Jack Markell

We are entering uncharted economic territory thanks to the incompetence of George Bush and the utter failure of 8 years of conservative ideology, so Markell will take some hits while the know nothing chorus ignores reality and chants “My Taxes Are Too High.” To be effective he’ll have to makes some unpopular decisions, but Markell continues to have a lot of upside.

Recommendation: Buy

Lt. Gov. Matt Denn

Denn changed the IC office into something that actual provided value to Delawareans. He’ll have a lot of blank canvas to work with in the Lt. Governor’s office to do the same thing.

Recommendation: Buy


Chief of StaffThomas P. McGonigle

I’d take a flyer on McGonigle. With this appointment made in the wake of the Rochford hiccup, I’m inclined to think that Jack has worked out the details here. [Note: if you loaded up on Rochford stock you lost your ass. Sorry.]

Recommendation: Buy

Treasurer – Velda Jones-Potter

“She’s one of the most impressive managers I’ve ever worked with, and most folks familiar with her stint as city finance director would say the same.” – Tommywonk

Reccomendation: Buy

Secretary of Finance – Gary Pfeiffer

Is this one of those “I need a Republican” Rochford-type appointments? I don’t know, but you don’t get to be the former DuPont Chief Financial Officer if you are a dummy.

Recommendation: Hold

Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Ann Visalli

Markell’s former deputy at the Treasurer’s office, Visalli is by all accounts a smart, no nonsense financial manger. Just the ticket for an office that will be in the crosshairs until the debits and credits even out.

Recommendation: Buy

Head Economic Development Office – Alan Levin

Levin built out his family business with creativity and gusto so he knows what small entrepreneurial businesses need. Then he flipped it to a large national chain, so he knows what fortune 500 companies want. Let’s hope his term is more informed by the beginning of his business life instead of the end of it.

Recommendation: Hold

State’s Chief Information OfficerJames H. Sills III

Sills seems good on paper, but this is a high-risk position. If he does a great job insiders know about it, but if he screws up it will be expensive and public.

Recommendation: Hold

Secretary of DHSSRita Landgraf

There is very little margin for error in an office that is responsible for the Division of Public Health and Medicaid, Medicare Part D, all of the state-run health care facilities, and all other social services. The office’s 100,000 plus clients and a shrinking budget mean that he bright spotlight makes it hard to rate anyone as a “buy” in this spot.

Recommendation: Hold

Secretary of TransportationCarolann Wicks

Wicks is a hold over which means there is some baggage. And while I’d like to see a secretary of transportation who is interested in more than cars, the fact that she was an engineer in the Department that she is running bodes well.

Recommendation: Hold

Department of Safety and Homeland Security – Lewis Schiliro

State police, DEMA, the Capitol Police, Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement will be busy.

Recommendation: Hold

Commissioner of Correction – Carl Danberg

Danberg is another holdover who made the papers in all the wrong ways under Minner. In the best of times he would not have the money he probably needs to make sure everyone in the system gets treated like a human being. With the upcoming Bush induced economic catastrophe…forget about it.

Recommendation: Sell

Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Vivian Rapposelli

These folks, like the state police, will be working their asses off to keep everything from going ka-plooey.

Recommendation: Hold


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