UPDATE II: Delaware Liberal DE Politico’s Futures Market: The Markell Team Edition

Filed in National by on January 12, 2009

Updated:  With tommywonk’s “buy” recommendation for Velda Jones-Potter, I believe the list is complete.  


If you could buy stock shares in the members of Markell’s team, where would the smart money be going?

Jack Markell

We are entering uncharted economic territory thanks to the incompetence of George Bush and the utter failure of 8 years of conservative ideology, so Markell will take some hits while the know nothing chorus ignores reality and chants “My Taxes Are Too High.” To be effective he’ll have to makes some unpopular decisions, but Markell continues to have a lot of upside.

Recommendation: Buy

Lt. Gov. Matt Denn

Denn changed the IC office into something that actual provided value to Delawareans. He’ll have a lot of blank canvas to work with in the Lt. Governor’s office to do the same thing.

Recommendation: Buy


Chief of StaffThomas P. McGonigle

I’d take a flyer on McGonigle. With this appointment made in the wake of the Rochford hiccup, I’m inclined to think that Jack has worked out the details here. [Note: if you loaded up on Rochford stock you lost your ass. Sorry.]

Recommendation: Buy

Treasurer – Velda Jones-Potter

“She’s one of the most impressive managers I’ve ever worked with, and most folks familiar with her stint as city finance director would say the same.” – Tommywonk

Reccomendation: Buy

Secretary of Finance – Gary Pfeiffer

Is this one of those “I need a Republican” Rochford-type appointments? I don’t know, but you don’t get to be the former DuPont Chief Financial Officer if you are a dummy.

Recommendation: Hold

Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Ann Visalli

Markell’s former deputy at the Treasurer’s office, Visalli is by all accounts a smart, no nonsense financial manger. Just the ticket for an office that will be in the crosshairs until the debits and credits even out.

Recommendation: Buy

Head Economic Development Office – Alan Levin

Levin built out his family business with creativity and gusto so he knows what small entrepreneurial businesses need. Then he flipped it to a large national chain, so he knows what fortune 500 companies want. Let’s hope his term is more informed by the beginning of his business life instead of the end of it.

Recommendation: Hold

State’s Chief Information OfficerJames H. Sills III

Sills seems good on paper, but this is a high-risk position. If he does a great job insiders know about it, but if he screws up it will be expensive and public.

Recommendation: Hold

Secretary of DHSSRita Landgraf

There is very little margin for error in an office that is responsible for the Division of Public Health and Medicaid, Medicare Part D, all of the state-run health care facilities, and all other social services. The office’s 100,000 plus clients and a shrinking budget mean that he bright spotlight makes it hard to rate anyone as a “buy” in this spot.

Recommendation: Hold

Secretary of TransportationCarolann Wicks

Wicks is a hold over which means there is some baggage. And while I’d like to see a secretary of transportation who is interested in more than cars, the fact that she was an engineer in the Department that she is running bodes well.

Recommendation: Hold

Department of Safety and Homeland Security – Lewis Schiliro

State police, DEMA, the Capitol Police, Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement will be busy.

Recommendation: Hold

Commissioner of Correction – Carl Danberg

Danberg is another holdover who made the papers in all the wrong ways under Minner. In the best of times he would not have the money he probably needs to make sure everyone in the system gets treated like a human being. With the upcoming Bush induced economic catastrophe…forget about it.

Recommendation: Sell

Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Vivian Rapposelli

These folks, like the state police, will be working their asses off to keep everything from going ka-plooey.

Recommendation: Hold


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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (56)

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  1. Kilroy says:

    “George Bush and the utter failure of 8 years of conservative ideology, so Markell will take some hits”

    Just like a true Republican I mean Democratic covering your party’s ass! What are you are suggesting Minner gets a pass because Delaware is screwed up because of Bush?

    Burris comes out impressed with Markell and shows some sense of support but Jason can’t even admit Minner had a role in fucking up Delaware!

    As far as Markell performance re: transition, I support you with the buy! It’s about time we get a CEO for a governor who will run the state like the business it is.

    Levin, lets hope he takes Delaware’s economy that was trashed and burned like retreating Iraqis (Minner) out of Kuwait and return it to a place where families can enjoy again.

    Danberg , I’ll have to agree 100%

  2. jason330 says:

    Burris comes out impressed with Markell and shows some sense of support but Jason can’t even admit Minner had a role in fucking up Delaware!

    That’s fake. Do yourself a favor and don’t trust Burris.

    As for Minner – remind me, did she plunge the world economy into chaos?

    Okay then.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t think Pfieffer is a Republican. His son was one of Obama’s top guys.

  4. R Smitty says:

    That’s fake. Do yourself a favor and don’t trust Burris.

    WTF, J? First, he IS impressed with Markell so far. Maybe you could talk to him about it to actually understand it.

    Do yourself a favor and don’t trust Burris.
    Now, THAT is pure assholery for you.

  5. jason330 says:

    Here is a one question test for you Smitty. If you pass it then call my post assholery all you want.

    1) Will Dave be impressed enough with Markell to vote for his relection if there is a Republican running against him?

    I think we all know that this is pure posturing on Dave’s part. He’ll find some lame excuse to bash Markell and anyone with a “D” next to their name (not named Atkins).

    When the chips are down, the man who says that he would pick George Bush over John Kerry again given the choice, will not support Jack Markell.

  6. R Smitty says:

    So, he’s not permitted to be impressed because he fails your litmus test? Keep up your character assassinations, I guess, so long as it fits your agenda. Oy.

  7. anonone says:

    Since when have repubs proved trustworthy?

    Always remember the scorpion and the frog.

  8. jason330 says:

    So, he’s not permitted to be impressed because he fails your litmus test?

    No. He is a fraud and is probably lying about being impressed or at least playing some kind of angle.

    It is all naked partisanship with Dave. 24/7 – 365.

    I would think you would know that by now.

  9. Mike Protack says:

    Mr Markell will have his hands full. Once he has to cut state workers, cut medicaid, raise taxes by a large amount and not be able to deliver on any campaign promises it will be tough for him.

    Sad to say, the republicans may be patient but the Dems will not display any patience at all.

  10. anonone says:


    Poor RSmitty has a sad delusion about rebuilding his failed party into something that fits his more idealistic and even honorable vision. Psychologists call this “cognitive dissonance,” when what you think doesn’t match the reality of what is.

    Hence, his defense of Burris and, even worse, his pathetic begging of Protack the Inquisitor to answer his questions. It reminds me of a guy pleading to his girlfriend to “please, talk to me!” after he has found her cheating on him for the tenth time.

    How sad.

  11. Kilroy says:

    “That’s fake. Do yourself a favor and don’t trust Burris.”

    Burris was sincere and show good character on his part and that there comes a time to deviate from ones party for the sake of the community. Dave pretty much labels me a party traitor so be it ! He supports open government and full financial transparency where as it’s obvious the Delaware Democrats don not! Sen Adams is a cluster-fuck and Jason defends him because Jason is a party man.

    Jason believe it or not you an Burris are two peas in a pod. You both have great leadership potential but you both have your heads up you party’s asses you can’t see it.
    At least Dave took his out of his ass and smelled the air to recognize Jack Markell is different. Markell is more Republican than any democrat in this state.

    “As for Minner – remind me, did she plunge the world economy into chaos?”

    Pal I live in Delaware and Bush didn’t misuse the state transportation funding, abuse mentally ill people in our state hospitals, abuse the basic health needs of prisoner, refuse to make an executive order calling for full financial transparency of public education and certainly Bush didn’t send her airline tickets to travel the world on the taxpayers.

    Jason it’s OK being a party man but just stop drinking the blue smurf piss the part is feeding you! Think about it, without Bush you are out of a job! I assume you’ll increase the attacks on Castle

    Jason keep pumping out more post so this one can be buried in the threads. That’s how I know you are always in denial!

  12. Kilroy says:

    “It reminds me of a guy pleading to his girlfriend to “please, talk to me!” after he has found her cheating on him for the tenth time.”

    Jason come on now! You sound like a sailor on Liberty in Tokyo calling home asking his wife if she still loves him while getting a “sucky fucky for 20 dollar” while on the phone.

    Burris was being sincere and you should recognize that!

  13. anonone says:


    Jason didn’t write that – I did. You might read it a bit closer.

    Also, you might read the story of the frog and the scorpion to understand why there is no good reason to trust ANY repub, Burris included and in particular. A frog should never trust a scorpion, now matter how “sincere.”

    You should recognize that.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    What proof is there that Republicans support open government? They certainly had an opportunity to get the open government bill out of Adams’s desk drawer by signing Peterson’s petition, but they didn’t.

  15. TommyWonk says:

    I’m delighted that Velda Jones-Potter got the nod for treasurer. She’s one of the most impressive managers I’ve ever worked with, and most folks familiar with her stint as city finance director would say the same.

  16. R Smitty says:

    Good lord. I have not sold one iota of myself to any interest or ideology and I think I have proven that. I do allow to hear more than one side of an argument, for it builds a much stronger foundation to build upon. I don’t believe in group-think movements, for they will fail in the long run.

    Yes, I have indeed asked Mr Protack to answer those questions. While I don’t agree with everything he says or believes, he has ideas that are WORKABLE (get that, anon1), but not on-the-whole correct. You have to start somewhere to get elsewhere. If he refuses to answer them, then so be it. That, also, is a response I expected.

    For once, I have to say this sucks today. No ability to think your own thoughts, is what I am getting out of here today.

    Fuck off!

  17. jason330 says:

    Kilroy makes me laugh with his doe-eyed simplicity.

    Sen Adams is a cluster-fuck and Jason defends him because Jason is a party man.

    100% bullshit.

    At least Dave took his out of his ass and smelled the air to recognize Jack Markell is different.

    Mark my words. He’ll never do it when it matters.

    Anyway – who cares? Dave has no credibility and has pretty much written himself out of Delaware Politics aside from being a predictable GOP talking points relay station and a ghost writer for Charlie Copeland. I am done with this.

  18. jason330 says:

    Thanks Tommy for returning us to the point of the post.

  19. Kilroy says:

    “Jason didn’t write that – I did. You might read it a bit closer.”

    Sorry Jason!

    “Burris included and in particular. A frog should never trust a scorpion, not matter how “sincere.”
    So since Markell draws from both sides is he a chameleon?

    Unstable Isotope
    “What proof is there that Republicans support open government?”

    We’ll, Copeland did introduce legislation calling for full financial transparency of public education.

    Burris even started a wedsite and a petition for finanical transparency.

  20. anonone says:

    While I don’t agree with everything he says or believes, he has ideas that are WORKABLE (get that, anon1), but not on-the-whole correct.

    Like torturing people? Like Bush and Cheney had ideas that were WORKABLE, but not on-the-whole correct?

    Sorry, Rsmitty. Your begging and pleading to Mike the Torturer are just sad. He is everything that is wrong with your party and you should be throwing him an anvil, not a life preserver.

    And, believe it or not, even though there may be two sides to every argument, sometimes one of them is flat-out wrong. Think equal rights. Think torture. Think evolution.


  21. Kilroy says:

    jason330 // Jan 12, 2009 at 10:42 am
    “Thanks Tommy for returning us to the point of the post”

    I thought the point of the post was you blaming Bush for all the failures in Delaware which purposely ignored the fact that Minner had a big hand in screwing Delaware up!

  22. anonone says:

    So since Markell draws from both sides is he a chameleon?

    Maybe. 🙂

    I think he is making some dumb “frog and scorpion” decisions. Same with Obama.

  23. I love how Jason330 tries to ascribe motives to Dave’s Markell post. Jesus Christ he’s acting like a lunatic.

  24. R Smitty says:

    I didn’t realize Mike was trying to bring torture to Delaware. Wow, yes, that can certainly change things, anon1. There is no chance to ever be able to get you to even consider an opinion not your own, is there?

  25. Kilroy says:

    “I think he is making some dumb “frog and scorpion” decisions. Same with Obama.”

    I think the stakes are higher for Obama and he seems to be rolling the dice. Markell on the other hand seems to be sincere about bring everyone more toward the center where reality is. I think when you’re so far left and right you’re serving the parties. Obviously Markell isn’t a party man and that’s one reason he won. Markell isn’t in for the money and I think it for the ultimate personal challenge. It kind of suck because if ran and was elected 4 years ago I don’t think the state budget crisis wouldn’t be as severe! He certainly would have been more efficient.

    Delaware has become a corporation that seems to serve it self rather then the people within. The left and right have sacrificed the needs of the people blaming each other!

    Jason’s ranking the issue of this post is fair and his reference though just his style is provoking. It goes to show you his blog is more about support the Democratic Party then real people! Even the left uses the people as valueless pawns.
    Burris was being objective in his willingness to support Markell. I don’t see him switching parties. I think for most of us (not Jason) we have a certainly level of independence but for the sake of the status being associated with a party we’ll turn a blind eye for failures within. Like Jason defending Minner’s honor and legacy.

  26. R Smitty says:

    BTW, there is one key element of my attempt to ask questions that you missed:

    If he refuses to answer them, then so be it. That, also, is a response I expected.

    Do you get it?

  27. Kilroy says:

    Mike Matthews
    “I love how Jason330 tries to ascribe motives to Dave’s Markell post. Jesus Christ he’s acting like a lunatic.”

    Is it an act ? LOL

  28. R Smitty says:

    No, sadly, it’s not. He has this boner to ensure Dave is destroyed. I think is jealousy because he’s neither red-baited Jason nor has he threatened to subpoena him.

  29. jason330 says:

    After reading that twice I admit that was funny.

    For the record, I am done with this.

  30. Kilroy says:


    “After reading that twice I admit that was funny.”

    “For the record, I am done with this.”

    Jason it is all in fun! If we all were serious about the needs of the people we wouldn’t put the needs of our parties first! Shit I broke rank with mine (not with Dave) because I’ve charged up the hill with full fianacial tranparency and pretty much felt shot in the back!

    With all the shit I was throwing at Copeland he and I are still one the same team as far as open government and finances.

    You and Burris are two blind fools who can’t see your own powerful influence ( yours a bit less ,LOL) The blogs in Delaware have no sustainable influence because many are little puppets for their parties .

    Burris has more more towards center than you have. Dude, you a rebel but take the horn out of your ass!

  31. jason330 says:


    This is way off topic, and I know I said I was done with this, but I will wrap it up for you because you seem like a nice guy.

    In the context of this blog, Dave Burris is a suitable proxy for average Republicans and I am still so pissed off at average Republicans, especially Burris type average Republicans.

    Why? …well golly..let me think for a second.

    I guess, while I have reconciled myself to the fact that moronic windbags are never going to care about the hell that the Republican Parrty unleashed in Iraq for no reason other than to satisfy Bush’s vanity, it kind of bothers me that they cheered it on and now pretend that they tut-tutted the whole thing. (Remember the “Purple Finger” Victory Parties? I do.)

    Maybe the complete lack of repentance or even a mere flicker of reflective thought by our local asswipe Republicans is a continuing reminder of just how corrupt, sick and anti-American the Republican Party is. Maybe that irks me a bit.

    Maybe I don’t know how the peices of human garbage live with themselves for having cheered Bush on as he utterly wrecked our economy and even say that they would vote for Bush again given the same choices?

    Maybe it is more clear to me now than it ever has been that these are not decent human beings and that they deserve to be socially isolated and scorned? And maybe when they do pretend to be decent and normal in light of everything that has happened, that even irks me.

    Maybe I’m just supposed to forget that the past 8 years ever happened? It seems that you can.

  32. R Smitty says:

    Do they drink from separate water fountains than you, too, Jason?

  33. jason330 says:

    An asinine comparison. Southern African Americans didn’t do anything to merit their social isolation and scorn.

    I think we can all agree that average Republicans have.

  34. R Smitty says:

    It wasn’t meant to belittle their plight, and you know that. However, you seem to be absolutely fine to bear a hate-fueled prejudice and apply it, no matter the consequence. Now that you labelled “them” and everything “they” did as “Dave Burris,” tell me, what did he do to shun, blame, isolate, etc. you, personally?

  35. jason330 says:

    Huh? I think I just wrapped it up.

  36. Jason’s a bitter bitch…even though his team won the election.

  37. By the way, Rebecca Young of PDD will be on my show at 330 to discuss OOGA!

    Will you be showing up shirtless tomorrow, J.?

  38. R Smitty says:

    Good lord, your logic can really be pathetic when you have no control over your anger.

  39. FSP says:

    Smitty, don’t. You’re wasting your time. Something happened in the last three months that turned Jason into a bitter old man. There’s no cure for that.

  40. R Smitty says:

    The evil Borg came back and reassimilated him, I think.

  41. anon says:

    Three months ago was when we started to get the revelations about the depth of the economic disaster Republicans have led us to… and their failure even now to admit it, attempting to bullshit their way through instead.

  42. jason330 says:


    Live in your little dream world in which Dave is a decent person.

    That is fine by me. We all make choices in life.

  43. R Smitty says:

    Well, I can separate the political person from the human person. There is a difference. We have discourse, but I don’t go wrecking his character when I oppose his view.

  44. Kilroy says:

    “This is way off topic, and I know I said I was done with this, but I will wrap it up for you because you seem like a nice guy.”

    It’s your sandbox! I am a nice guy! I am just fucked up in the head from the 60’s and 70’s. Can you image going through life thinking the government has you best interest to heart but realize ducking and covering under your school desk doesn’t save your ass in a nuclear attack! Or seeing good people stepping up like JFK, RFK and MLK and then getting their head blown away! Iraq, shit I haven’t forget Vietnam. I wasn’t their but remember its impact it had on a society who didn’t hide behind blogs and when out getting their heads busted. This country finally woke up about the U.S. Government on that day at Kent State.

    You know those who are in the middle are the most politically out-casted because they offend both side as the reality is there is blame to go around. Every legislators who voted to go to war is just as guilty as Bush.

    Minner was and is a master politician and perhaps the best Delaware has ever seen. But that doesn’t mean she was the best leader as perhaps she was the worst. She had great intention with public education but came with s price tag she couldn’t afford and pushed on local taxpayers.

    If I were to place blame on Delaware’s poor economy I would said 75% Bush 25% Minner. But from an inside view of Delaware’s quality of life I blame 25% on Minner. 25% on the legislators and 50% political parties ( D & R). The political parties only see Delaware as a chess board nothing more. Jack Markell won the election not the Democratic Party. Same goes for Obama! It is people who rise above their parties putting their individuality high than that of their party. If the national Democratic and Republican parties were true to themselves they would no have primary.

    Jason I don’t know how to tell you this but you are everything you save Burris is to the Republicans to the Democrats. But though you both believe you have some sense of status you are both pawns. Shit, good for you ,hate Bush but please recognize your nursemaid Minner may have tainted you with poison milk!

    Back to the topic re: Markell your on the money!

  45. anonone says:


    If he refuses to answer them, then so be it. That, also, is a response I expected.

    Kinda like the metaphorical girl who cheated on you for the tenth time. Pathetic.

    By the way, you can’t expect respect for the law or the Constitution from Mike the Torturer, so, yes, by his own description, I’d expect he would bring torture to Delaware.

  46. R Smitty says:

    Kinda like the metaphorical girl who cheated on you for the tenth time. Pathetic.
    One track mind? Experience? wtf?

    Ulterior motive. The self-anointed great uniter that is going to bring peace and harmony to all is nothing but a builder of islands. You share his world view, you’re on his island. If not, get the eff off and go find your own island. All it did was easily play into my hands and show the fraud, as expected. Do you get it yet? I can’t believe I had to spell that out.

  47. jason330 says:

    Well, I can separate the political person from the human person. There is a difference.

    No there isn’t. A person’s morally bankrupt political philosophy reveals their character.

    Now if you are saying that I should be more polite and accepting of wrong views – I’d say that the past 8 years prove that to be hooey. In fact, if the past 8 years tell us anything, it is to be much less tolerant of the right’s ignorant nonsense and the people who knowingly spread it.

  48. anonone says:


    Dude, if you wanna beg torturers to come to your party, have at it. But don’t expect to be successful in persuading people that you’re trying to build a new repub party that is somehow different than the one you’re a member of today. Regardless of your “ulterior motive,” you were begging Mike the Torturer to answer your question so he could be included in your vision of a new repub party.

    He has long and many times been exposed as a fraud on this site. Your begging him to answer your questions so he could come to your party or otherwise be exposed as a “fraud” is still pathetic.

    And, yes, I have a one track mind. And, yes, experienced. And, yes, I learned never to beg – walking away is always the better choice. As somebody once said, people have died for that advice.

  49. R Smitty says:

    No, you don’t get it, then. He’s trying to paint himself as the answer, but by refusing to address even the simplest of points, which would require self-criticism, proves the interest is nothing but of total self. That was my point.

    I really thought going to the inaugural ball would be a cool thing, as that is the direction, I too, had chosen this cycle. I’m starting to second guess that, I’m not one of “your kind.”

    My god, this is Intolerant Monday on this site.

  50. anonone says:

    He’s trying to paint himself as the answer, but by refusing to address even the simplest of points, which would require self-criticism, proves the interest is nothing but of total self.

    I get it, RSmitty. Every Dem on the site gets it. Almost everybody in Delaware gets it. Everybody knew that Mike the Torturer was a fraud well before you started with your questions. I think it was a rather round-about way to try to “expose” him.

    Ah, we’re still in this together. Don’t take it personally. I guess in some ways you may be right that not everybody understands what a fraud Mike the Torturer is. Even Kavips still *hearts* Protack.

    And I should probably be grateful when repubs spend their time trying to expose each other as frauds.

  51. h. says:

    Wow… I’m thinking anon1 must have been tortured at some point in his/her life.

  52. anonone says:

    Last 8 years, bro.

  53. pandora says:

    Ha! Too true A1!

    h., Mike P. has been bombarding us with his “24” scenarios.

  54. R Smitty says:

    Mike P. has been bombarding us with his “24″ scenarios.
    I’ve actually been missing those comments (really, I don’t read them all).

    Too bad, Jack Bauer is a kick-ass fictional character, too!

  55. pandora says:

    Smitty, for your enjoyment…

    “Keep dreaming, a very silly post.
    Once again I will ask the question of those who take such a holy approach.
    A terrorist is caught and he has the plans for an attack on a site where a family member of yours works. The attack is going to happen that day, within and hour.
    Do you use aggressive techniques to stop the attack or lose your family member but hold your head up and claim purity?” Mike Protack

    Please notice that he’s asking the question again.

  56. cassandra_m says:

    And notice what Protack’s scenario already knows — the date and the time. If your intelligence could get that far, then why not the rest? Besides which, if you have an imminent situation, all the said terrorist needs to do is to wait you out. This crap only happens in the movies.