Open Government Call To Action: Calling Out Thurman Adams By Name

Filed in National by on January 13, 2009

The Progressive Dems are taking the lead in calling for a legislative term marked by the passage of open government and transparency legislation. The first round is TODAY January 13th, when they will be meeting with 21 state senators to urge action on HB-1. (See below the fold for the full press release.)

But what can you do in the meantime if you can’t make it to opening day?

I highly recommend writing to the Delaware State News’ “Soundoff” editor and calling out Thurman Adams by name. The Delaware State News is the “Downstate Daily” so you are sure to get the ear of Mr. Adams.

Here is the link email address:

The “soundoff” submissions are anonymous and editors have been open to printing satire so if you want to write, for example, that you “really don’t want to know what the general assembly is doing” and “Thurman Adams is like a wise father who keeps information that we would not understand away from us,” I would encourage it. If you want to do a more serious submission pointing out that “for the last six years, Thurman Adams has put proposed legislation to open our government into his infamous desk drawer, barring any hearing or vote on it.” That would be great too.

I’ll be watching the “Soundoff” section and reporting back on open government submissions.


Citizens urge passage of HB-1 to bring state lawmakers under FOIA

Delaware voters who believe they have a right to know how their tax dollars will be spent and how their state government operates will rally Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009, at Legislative Hall in Dover, the opening day of the 2009 Legislative Session.

They will meet with 21 state senators to urge swift passage of HB-1. The bill, which is expected to pass in the House this session, will make the General Assembly subject to Freedom of Information laws — and allow the public to know how decisions that affect their lives and pocketbooks are made. At present, the General Assembly is the only government entity permitted by law – a law it created – to operate in secret.

Delaware’s voters have repeatedly said they want open government. Many of our elected officials campaigned on the promise that they would open Delaware’s secretive government to public scrutiny. It’s time to hold them to their word.

To pass legislation that would open the deliberations of the General Assembly to the public, our officials will need the courage and the support of voters to thwart the powerful Senator Thurman Adams (D-19th), President Pro Tempore of the Delaware Senate. For the last six years, Sen. Adams has put proposed legislation to open our government into his infamous desk drawer, barring any hearing or vote on it. Legislators have been unwilling or unable to override Sen. Adams’ desk-drawer vetoes, and the status quo has remained intact. “That has to change,” said Rebecca Young, Executive Director of Progressive Democrats for Delaware. “This is the year for change” Young said, “when across America there is a fresh breath of hope and a mandate for change, to put an end to backroom deal-makin g and to open the doors of our state government.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (27)

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    What time?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    People are meeting a Leg Hall at noon.

  3. Will Jason be there with his bare chest?

  4. jason330 says:

    Sadly, no.

  5. MJ says:

    Also, write letters to the Cape Gazette. That also has a good readership in Sussex.

    I would love to have the money to buy a billboard in Bridgeville calling on Thurman to free HB-1, but he might come looking for me and I’d end up in the Rapa Scrapple plant. Remember, Soylent Green?

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think the other Senators should quit hiding behind Thurman Adams. They can get a bill out of his desk drawer if they really want to.

  7. anon says:

    I would love to have the money to buy a billboard in Bridgeville calling on Thurman to free HB-1

    How much does it cost?

  8. I’ll chip in for that. Let’s make a collection.

  9. kilroy says:

    Gee it’s amazing the world can bitch about a democrat who is the master mind behind blocking open government and financial transparency when Jason says so! So when Burris steps up and bitch he is sub-human in the world according to Jason!

    Adams is not the problem! Adams is the scapegoat for those legislators that don’t support open government and financial transparency.

    Let’s all pretend we have no party affiliation and “we the people” want open government! This is what it will take but party loyalist will grumble with the rest to cover their partisan scent!

  10. jason330 says:

    I’m not going to be baited into this nonsense again today.

  11. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo thinks that focusing on Adams is misplaced, because he just doesn’t give a bleep. If enough senators wish, any bill can be petitioned out of committee, including the Executive Committee with its notorious desk drawer.

    Were El Somnambulo Conquistador Para La Dia, he’d be letting DeLuca, Blevins, McDowell, Bushweller, Cook, Venables, Marshall, B. Ennis, and Hall-Long know that he is watching, and that just having a D after your name means nada unless you are willing to support democratic and Democratic principles.

    Remember the Beast Who Slumbers (and Kos’) mantra: Not just more Democrats, better Democrats.

  12. R Smitty says:

    I’m not going to be baited into this nonsense again today.

    I’ll take the day off, J. You’re safe.

  13. jason330 says:

    Okay. Agreed – Burris is a low life.

  14. R Smitty says:

    You just can’t leave it alone, can you?

    So, it is personal, then. Just what did he do to Rags that has you so pissed off at him?

    OK, done…

  15. kilroy says:

    “I’m not going to be baited into this nonsense again today.”

    We’ll that sucks! Why do you get to do all the fishing? I don’t give a shit what Markell says about you, I think you’re great!

    You know when Copeland loss I mean was cheated out of LT I had to eat crow pie because I supported him after I didn’t support him. So, when we get that open government bill re: Gilligan 19Rd Speaker of the House my Rep. who decided to step up or I’ll run against him (LOL) you Jason will own Burris an apology because he was the force behind the open government movement and open finance. So, one Gilligan’s legislation is signed I think you and Pandora should buys rounds for all at “Bull’s Eye the waterhole of the working class or rather democrats more centered than Delaware Liberal. If the place is good enough for John Carney’s brother to be part owner I think it safe for you so far left Liberals to come and break some break. Also, Bull’s Eye is in the 19th Rd so how fitting.

    Burris Governor 2012

  16. kilroy says:

    you Jason will own Burris an apology because

    “Owe” not own! But so ironic you think you own him!

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Kilroy – again, my head hurts from fixing your words in my head. Can you at least reread what you post? Just for today?

  18. kilroy says:

    liberalgeek // Jan 13, 2009 at 10:25 am

    “Kilroy – Can you at least reread what you post? Just for today?”

    Just for you!

  19. is it really possible to shame an 80 year old man into anything at this point?

  20. Would love some people to call-in live on my show this afternoon if anyone’s hanging out at Leg Hall. 888.645.8990. I’m gonna keep pimping that shit!

  21. kilroy says:

    “is it really possible to shame an 80 year old man into anything at this point?”

    Hell no he’s untouchable!

  22. jason330 says:

    El Somnambulo nails it again. I would liek to note that the PDD is meeting with the very people EL Som calls out.

  23. Kilroy, stop stirring up off topic bull, it’s getting annoying.

    Maybe the fact that Adams doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his constituency should be made very, very public…

  24. kilroy says:

    Brian Shields
    “Maybe the fact that Adams doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his constituency should be made very, very public…”

    Sounds fair back to the subject!

    I doubt if it can be made anymore public! How can one man be given so much power from his peers?

    Open government and finanical transparency are the key to addressing some of the concerns with the economy.

    Surely we’re going to be ask to pay hire taxes. So is too much to ask to see how it’s being managed?

  25. It’s not on CNN yet… it can be made more public.

  26. egads! says:

    A word of caution…

    Transparency isn’t the be-all and end-all of good government. Look how complicated it is to sort through campaign finance reports and match donors to their employers – it take some gumshoeing, as I’m sure DWA can attest to with the Reed stuff. Once you’ve got the raw information or data, you’ve still got to have people sort through it and find out what it means, if anything.

  27. cassandra m says:

    Once you’ve got the raw information or data, you’ve still got to have people sort through it and find out what it means, if anything

    This is an important point. We do know that there are folks among us who are perfectly willing to craft all kinds of stories and allegations on isolated bits of info — even when the entire dataset is available to them. You can’t force people to use information honestly, though, but we should be really clear that there is a constituency that wants this data so they can craft bludgeons — not make government work better or more efficiently.