The Cold Song Chronicles

Filed in National by on January 15, 2009

Everyone who reads this blog knows how we love our closeted Republican and Evangelical leaders. Well, Bessemer Opinions (AL) sheds new light the case of Ted Haggard, the gay christian hypocrite who recently completed  gay rehab. (I won’t even go into how ridiculous that is).

In the article linked above we learn that Haggard confessed to beginning his gay play in the seventh grade. Even those without gaydar (or, for the technos, GPS…gay positioning system) can see that this guy is clearly gay.

“That being said, there is something even more disturbing about the implications of the Haggard episode. Here we have someone who has admitted to having gay sex repeatedly, has admitted to teenage sexual experimentation, and has admitted to ongoing confusion over sexual attraction, and most everyone still allows him to call himself straight.”

Enclave (TN) lets us know that some new legislation has been introduced to regulate coal ash “ponds”. Why in the world would we need more regulation?

problembear at 4&20blackbirds (MT) points us to this op-ed piece about a man whose “life represented political and policy “change” the very thing now being pursued by candidates and voters alike.”

Locally-owned Vermont paper is trimming its staff reports Green Mountain Daily (VT).

On the lighter side, WhitesCreek on RoanViews (TN) walks us through making our own suet.

The video above is Klaus Nomi performing “The Cold Song”.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    This video is going to make Jason’s head explode.

    Just sayin’.

  2. nemski says:

    This video is going to make Jason’s head explode.

    Hmm, I wonder why I put it there. 😉