While Alaska Freezes, Palin Plays The Fiddle

Filed in National by on January 15, 2009

Sara Plain and Simple is a bigger news whore than Paris Hilton ever was. There’s been much Sarah-gazing lately (most of which has been generated by Palin herself), all of which is eerily similar to the Britney Spears suicide watch we were on a year or so ago. Go to I Eat Gravel to get the full scoop of Sarah’s complaining non-freaking-stop about bloggers and the media while the people of Emmonak freeze to death.

To quote Jason330, good times, good times.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Palin whinging about the media while rural Alaska towns starve sounds alot like Brownie worrying about his Big Media closeup while New Orleans drowned.

    It amazes me that someone doesn’t tell her that the more she talks the more folks have proof that she is a complete moron.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Are her 15 minutes over with yet? I’m sick of her. Does anyone remember when McCain was protecting her from the media? Good times.