
Filed in National by on January 16, 2009

Bush tells Tara Wall of the Washington Times about the upside to the current economic crisis:

“One aspect of these recent times that has been overlooked is the fact that the price of gasoline has gone down from near $4 to under $2, which is stimulative, because people have got nearly $2,000 on an annualized basis in their pocket — that’s $2,000 per family — as a result of gasoline going down,” Bush said. “That’s stimulative.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. karmicjay says:

    Not long.. soon a village in Texas will get their idiot back!

  2. jason330 says:

    All Bush White House employees had to turn in their IDs today.


  3. Mike Protack says:

    My guess if gas prices were still high you would blame Bush. He is correct the drop in prices is a stimulus of sorts.

    The airline I work for is making changes to our airplane make up to take advantage of the “stimulative’ effect of the lower gas prices.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Cheap gas is the wrong kind of stimulus. How about making gas cheap because demand is low?

    “Hey, heroine is cheap. The price of heroine has dropped 50%. For junkies, that’s money in their pocket! That’s stimulation!”

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Cheap gas was an accidental stimulus. And is a stimulus that can be taken back from you — as refiners are now in ratcheting back capacity to push up prices.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Are airlines going to take away their gas fees and baggage fees? I doubt it. One big reason that the drop in gas prices is not stimulative is because the drop is demand-based.

  7. meatball says:

    Plus, families are saving all that money NOT having to drive to the jobs the’ve been laid off from, right Mike? Now that’s stimulative!