The Philadelphia Eagles Join Jack’s Volunteer Effort

Filed in National by on January 16, 2009

This is pretty cool.

Build a better Delaware PSA on the Eagles Website

FYI – This is Alicia who is an Eagles cheerleader that I played poker with last year:


This is more about the volunteer thing from the Markell press release:

As of Friday, Delawareans have pitched in and registered more than 17,000 volunteer hours since November 24 when Markell challenged all Delawareans to unite to create a better Delaware through volunteerism.

“It is so heartening to see the Eagles and Delawareans respond to the needs of others,” Markell said. “Like the rest of the nation, Delaware faces some tough economic times. However, by coming together to help those in need with compassion and caring, we are truly creating a better Delaware.”

The service weekend is the capstone of a week-long series of events marking Markell’s inauguration as Delaware’s 63rd governor.

Markell is urging area companies, service organizations, community groups and individual citizens to sign up for a Better Delaware Weekend of Service volunteer project. Projects, which will benefit nonprofit organizations throughout the state, will be posted on

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. arthur says:

    did you hit it?

  2. jason330 says:

    I won about $80 if that is what you mean. Alicia happened to come in second. Our chip stacks were about even, but I just got luck and caught some great cards.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Poker? dont even know her… 😯

  4. You should call in and talk about that hot chick.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Arthur…in J’s mind, winning $80 was “hitting it.” Just let him enjoy that moment and know that, no, he did not hit it.

  6. P says:

    Double down?


  8. anon says:

    Just what *kind* of poker did you play?

  9. arthur says:

    was your $80 net? and why didnt you hit it? you mean the line “you know, delaware liberal, the blog?” didnt work? did you try “no really, i’m on the radio, well not the radio but a web radio show. yea, its kinda like iCarly, but just radio,” didnt get you in her uniform?

  10. jason330 says:


    OMG I’m cracking up.

  11. anon says:

    I won about $80 if that is what you mean. Alicia happened to come in second.

    See, if you had let her win…