Delaware Liberal

“Country First” Was Nothing More Than A Political Bumper Sticker

Are there any reasons, other than the purely political, to predict – in some cases gleefully – the failure of an Obama Presidency?

I’m serious.  Right now, all of us are facing dire economic times.  If Obama succeeds… don’t we all benefit?  And since he’s been reaching out to everyone for ideas/solutions what does it say about those who bring nothing to the table but naysaying?

The adage holds:  If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Obstruction, for the sake of obstruction, is a dangerous game Republicans would be wise to avoid.  It appears that their entire 2012 strategy is based on running against – and counting on – the future “failures” of an Obama Administration.  Failures that will have their fingerprints all over them if they do nothing more than block Obama’s agenda.  Unless they believe defeating healthcare reform, the stimulus package, etc. before it has a chance to get off the ground will somehow not be viewed as their failure as well.  Isn’t this a classic “All Hands on Deck” moment?

Lately, all the right wing pundits are focused on rebuilding the Republican brand.  Maybe if they directed their efforts towards building up something other than themselves their future wouldn’t look so bleak.  I’m not holding my breath.

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