“Country First” Was Nothing More Than A Political Bumper Sticker

Filed in National by on January 19, 2009

Are there any reasons, other than the purely political, to predict – in some cases gleefully – the failure of an Obama Presidency?

I’m serious.  Right now, all of us are facing dire economic times.  If Obama succeeds… don’t we all benefit?  And since he’s been reaching out to everyone for ideas/solutions what does it say about those who bring nothing to the table but naysaying?

The adage holds:  If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Obstruction, for the sake of obstruction, is a dangerous game Republicans would be wise to avoid.  It appears that their entire 2012 strategy is based on running against – and counting on – the future “failures” of an Obama Administration.  Failures that will have their fingerprints all over them if they do nothing more than block Obama’s agenda.  Unless they believe defeating healthcare reform, the stimulus package, etc. before it has a chance to get off the ground will somehow not be viewed as their failure as well.  Isn’t this a classic “All Hands on Deck” moment?

Lately, all the right wing pundits are focused on rebuilding the Republican brand.  Maybe if they directed their efforts towards building up something other than themselves their future wouldn’t look so bleak.  I’m not holding my breath.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (23)

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  1. Sharon says:

    Good God. Haven’t we had eight years of liberals doing nothing but hoping for the failure of George W. Bush? I’m not just being snarky here; the whining began before he was inaugurated and has continued without ease since.

    Republicans don’t want Obama to do the sorts of things you want him to do. That doesn’t mean we don’t wish him success. But we don’t want him to do a lot of the crap you probably think would be good for the country. And, for all the complaining that you were called “unpatriotic” for calling him Hitler, it sounds like you are perfectly willing to sling around the “U” word to people who don’t want Obama to cram a bunch of liberal ideas down our throats.

    Some of what you are talking about is simply gamesmanship. You honestly think Republicans shouldn’t look for ways to criticize the Obama administration and take advantages of his stumbles, scandals, and faux pas? Democrats do this, too. It’s just part of politics.

  2. Sharon says:

    And I’ll put my county first, thanks.

  3. anonone says:

    The few repubs that are mad at Bush are angry because of what he did to their party not because of what he did to our country.

    And I’ll be the first in line to criticize Obama if he puts party over country. Particularly if it is the repub party.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    They think party = country.

    I’m sorry, but I didn’t spend 8 yrs. hoping Bush would fail – I spent 8 yrs. watching Bush fail. That’s a big difference.

    I certainly didn’t wish for 9/11, Anthrax, Afghanistan, the Iraq Debacle, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, torture, domestic surveillance, Enron, Valerie Plame, Terri Schiavo, Katrina, Lebanon vs. Israel, $4/gallon gas, economic disaster or Gaza vs. Israel, just to name a few.

  5. pandora says:

    As usual, Sharon is wrong. Gamesmanship is not acceptable during a crisis – think 9/11. Politics was not played then, and it shouldn’t be played now.

    And “You honestly think Republicans shouldn’t look for ways to criticize the Obama administration and take advantages of his stumbles, scandals, and faux pas? ”

    Yes, Sharon, I honestly think that Republicans shouldn’t “look” for ways to criticize. And that’s my point – thank you for illustrating it so beautifully. What Republicans should be doing now is looking for ways to help the country.

    Psst… actually helping the country would help the Republican Party.

  6. anonone says:

    Great answer, UI!

  7. anon says:

    Haven’t we had eight years of liberals doing nothing but hoping for the failure of George W. Bush?

    Not at all. All of Bush’s disastrous policies were passed with the help of Democrats, to liberal’s chagrin. The only thing Bush did not accompish was Social Security privatization, in which he was blocked by Republicans (do you regret that?)

    In the current economy, the usual Republican prescription of tax cuts and spending cuts would send the country into Dickensian poverty from which it might well not recover. If you don’t understand the math behind this fact, you are not qualified to comment on the economy.

    That is, assuming Republicans actually did manage to cut spending, something they have never done, choosing to borrow instead to make up for the tax cuts.

  8. PBaumbach says:

    After 6-8 years in the minority, let’s now lower ourselves to squelching the voice of the minority–revenge is not the higher road.

    Yes, the economic crisis requires standing together, but let’s not lower ourselves to equating constructive criticism as being unpatriotic.

    Let’s indeed challenge the Republican Party to offer fresh constructive ideas. We don’t need to tell them to avoid merely throwing stones at Democratic ideas and praying for further pain. The American people are quick to punish such destructive thinkers.

    The Delaware Senate shows us how harmful to democracy too-strong a majority can be (to Democratic principles, such as open, fair, and accountable government).

    Let’s not try to crush Republican ideas, let’s challenge them to provide valid, fresh ideas.

    Working together doesn’t mean forcing a minority to rubber stamp the majority’s view. Today’s crisis requires really working together.

  9. into Dickensian poverty

    Please, sir, I want some more…

  10. Perry says:

    Well said, Pandora et al.

    Sharon has yet to internalize the fact that the ideology of the Right is what has failed, as those who championed it ride down with it as we speak.

    Just the choice of Bush as their champion and cheerleader testifies to the bankruptcy that it has taken several decades, especially the last eight years to fully understand, and discard.

    I hope it is not too late for the change we Americans so much need!

  11. anon says:

    Republicans are like a baseball player who won’t step out of the box after the third strike. Instead they want to stand and argue with the umpire while the crowd boos and the swing-and-miss is replayed over and over on the JumboTron.

  12. Neptune says:

    I’m more of a Sussex man myself…..

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. I just realized why Neptune and Sharon said what they said re county! Pandora said “County first” in the title.


    All Hail New Castle. To Hell with Kent.

    I will edit.

  14. Neptune says:

    New Castle???? Try looking past Greenville sometime!

  15. Truth Teller says:

    Hoover = Bush the repuk answer is always blame the other guy while they sink the country for their own gain.
    If you wish to look into the heart of a true Repuk you only need to hear the response of the President of the Reading Railroad during the coal strike of 1902. When asked if he thought that miners who were injured were suffering his reply “Hell no why half of them don’t even speak English.”

  16. Some of what you are talking about is simply gamesmanship. You honestly think Republicans shouldn’t look for ways to criticize the Obama administration and take advantages of his stumbles, scandals, and faux pas? Democrats do this, too. It’s just part of politics.

    the party that says country first and moral majority should be leading by example me thinks…

  17. Mark O says:

    Republicans predict Obama failures for several reasons.

    First of all, he is the least qualified person to hold the office in modern times. He has no executive experience. He voted “present” 130+ times in the IL Senate and worked a little more than 140 actual days in the US Senate. He was never a governor, president of a large corporation, nothing. He was just a community organizer.

    Obama’s past is worse than any other president in recent history. He openly admits to drug use. He is always close to corrupt and questionable people.

    I wish I could feel optimistic about this president like you guys, but the truth is Obama is as qualified as someone who spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express.

    I don’t want him to fail, but he will fail many times. If try to do something that you aren’t qualified to do this will happen. It’s a known fact. Would you attempt to be doctor without medical training? Would you fail? Absolutely!

    Plugs even said himself that the presidency doesn’t lend itself to on the job training.

  18. pandora says:

    Please, at least be honest. You don’t want him to fail? Hell, you’re counting on it. You wish you could feel optimistic? Not buying it.

  19. Mark,

    See the counter in the upper left? 16 more hours until you meet your doom! The Barack Hussein Obama presidency!!! Bwahahahaha!!!

    You sound so frightened, you poor little boy.

  20. jason330 says:

    Sore Loser,

    Your comment is laughable given Bush.

    Suck it!

  21. jason330 says:


    I tried to call you twice today. On you on tomorrow? Call me and we’ll set up a time.

  22. Jason,

    Sorry…snow kept me from driving to Milton. I will be on tomorrow from 3-5. Would love for you to call in then, though I imagine you’ll be in the thick of it all. Just 10 minutes would be awesome. I’m working on getting a few people at the festivities to call in.