Delaware Liberal

Time To Get To Work

Both Governor Markell and President Obama have made service a key to their plans.  As you may know, DelawareLiberal is making a point to help out how we can by organizing a morning at the Food Bank in Newark on Saturday.  The Food Bank has added staff for our visit so we now have a few spots open.

So if you are looking for a way to help out on Saturday from 9AM to noon, send an email to liberalgeek at and let me know.  If you are already signed up for the food bank, you will need to print out this form before you get there (actually, we will have forms there, but this will save time).  Make sure that you dress relatively warm, as the last time I was there it was a little chilly there.

We expect Jack Markell to be there to help out and you can be assured that we will be making him work. 🙂

In the evening, we will be celebrating, so please check you schedule and come celebrate with us.  We are up to 65 people and I’m hoping for 75.  Remember, the proceeds benefit Autism Delaware.

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