Delaware Liberal

How To Make Beau Biden The Best Senator He Can Be


I’m willing to take it as a given that Beau Biden will be Delaware’s next Jr. Senator.

He will, of course, have to run for the seat and (although the Republicans will fail to put up a credible candidate to oppose him) he will still have to meet and mingle with actual voters.

So the question is not will Biden be the next Senator, but what kind of Senator will Biden be? I think those 6 months of Biden’s candidacy are the only shot we’ll have to engage him on issues and try to influence his thinking.

After the election he will be in the incumbent bubble with Carper and we all know that common sense and decency will never penetrate that bubble. So we need to make those fleeting campaign months count. We need to start planning for making the best out of this situation.

How do we try and point Beau Biden’s compass toward true north?

(AP Photo/Pat Crowe II)

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