Today’s Markell/Denn Inaugural Event

Filed in Delaware by on January 21, 2009

This has been a great Inaugural Week so far, with the midnight swearing in (links goes to video of that event) of Governor Jack Markell and Lt. Governor Matt Denn Tuesday morning and the awe-inspiring Presidential swearing in events yesterday.

Today, Jack and Matt get to Part 2 of their Inauguration Ceremonies today, which includes the complete Inaugural addresses of both Jack and Matt. If you aren’t going to be there in person, this will be webcast (audio and video) from the State’s website. Alternately, WDEL will also be broadcasting much of today’s event live.

If you are going or if you are already there, or just listening in from your desk, feel free to drop your observations about the event here in the comments.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (33)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    I’d love to know why wordpress won’t keep my line or paragraph breaks….

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Are you doing it in the HTML interface or the visual interface?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    From both and they just disappear.

  4. PI says:

    Why isn’t Minner there? Every other living governor is represented.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    She wasn’t at the midnight event, either. I asked someone yesterday from government if it was usual for the outgoing Gov to not be present at the transfer of power. That person told me that it was NOT usual and that there was alot of question as to whether she’d attend the formal ceremony today.


  6. PI says:

    Probably best she isn’t there. If anyone causght a glimpse of her on the teli yesterday, they’d understand why. That’s a woman who’s ugly seed was planted reallllly deep. It just oozes from her pores. Too telling that she received one of Joe’s 20 seats right up front yesterday…the gift for keeping the Senate seat warm for Beau.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I’m watching the webcast, and the image is pretty small — who are those guys in the hats at the back of the stage?

  8. PI says:

    I’m watching it on the same tiny webcast….no way to know

  9. PI says:

    Jack’s doing a good job with his speech. I love the transparency thing..

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Both Jack and Matt did a great job. Both were very honest about the immediate road ahead, and I’m glad that Jack noted that getting ourselves out of our economic woes can also present a long term opportunity.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    So was that the State Anthem? The woman who sang it has an awesome voice.

  12. PI says:

    Agreed. Both men instill a sense of confidence as to what lies ahead for Delaware. Even with a grim economic forecast on the immediate horizon I feel as though our new leaders are capable, open and honest. That in and of itself is a refreshing thought.

  13. anonone says:

    20% in budget cuts coming. Yikes!

  14. PI says:

    Yes, that is the state anthem. She does have an amazing voice. The guy who sang was also excellent.

  15. pandora says:

    I believe the guy who sang is my next door neighbor, Mark Stanton. He mentioned he was doing this when I saw him yesterday.

    He has an amazing voice. I love hearing him practice.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    He was fantastic too — this was a nice ceremony: short and too the point. Perhaps it was due to the cold.

    I made the point of 20% a few days ago about the depth of the budget cuts. Cuts that huge definitely mean you are cutting into muscle and bone…..

  17. liberalgeek says:

    FYI, it kept the carriage returns when I did it…

  18. cassandra_m says:

    So now you’re just trying to make look like I’m crazy…

  19. anon says:

    The voice of the woman singing the state song was horrible. She didn’t even know the words. She kept singing “Ho our Delaware”.

  20. David says:

    Lt. Governor Matt Denn gave a clarion call of sacrifice today during his address. That is usually Democrat code for a legal mugging is coming. Especially when combined with his gratuitous blasting of Ronald Reagan. I found it unsettling at best. Asking if you are better off is not corrosive. It is basic. Is government really working? Is what we are doing giving us results?
    I understand that people expecting to control their own destiny, money, families, and lives would be offensive and corrosive to the values of the left wing. This budget crisis should call us back to rugged individualism since we realize that government cannot provide all things to us. Instead, the honorable Matt Denn wants us to sacrifice what we have left for his collective. If we have other ideas, we are corrosive.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    David, you really want to go back to the warm safety of your wingnut radio friends among whom you really won’t look like such an uniformed fool. Even though that seems to be the default position of the right.

  22. pandora says:

    Legal mugging, rugged individualism… more Republican slogans that mean and offer nothing.

  23. Elizabeth_P says:

    Hello – I was the woman aka 17 year old girl, who sang the State Song today for the Inaugural Ceremony. It was a wonderful ceremony despite the windy, frigid weather (low teens I believe). Thank you for the kind statements, and “anon” – I apologize if it came across as “Ho” rather than “Oh.” It was difficult to sit outside for an hour in that weather and then sing a song lasting over 5 minutes without your lips trembling. I will take your “critique” as constructive criticism for my future in singing this song. Thank you!

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Hi Elizabeth! I watched the proceedings via a webcast on my desktop, so the image wasn’t so clear. But I did think you did a beautiful job — it is really hard to breathe some vitality into some of these old state anthems and songs and you really brought something to it. Congratulations and hope to see you singing in person someday!

  25. pandora says:

    Great job, Elizabeth! Like Cassandra I watched via webcast… inside, where it was warm! 🙂

  26. cassandra_m says:

    And, Pandora, don’t forget “collective” — the obligatory McCarthy fear tactic.


  27. MJ says:

    Just got home from the event. It was great. I was so happy to see that a lot of my hard work on Jack’s campaign (and my money) got us a real leader. The guys in the black hats are the colonial guard. And while the young lady who sang “Our Delaware” was good (beautiful voice for someone so young), that has to be one of the longest, slowest state songs around. We need a disco remix.

    Cold? Yes it was. We got to Legislative Hall around 10:00 AM, so we had a bit of a wait. And no one had a flask of brandy (well, maybe Thurman Adams did, but he wasn’t sharing). And Mark Stanton is the Cantor at Beth Emeth (a cantor is the “musical” person who helps leads services at synagogues). Beautiful voice.

    Best part was when I went in to say hello to Jack and Matt, the protocol person asked my name so he could “tell the Governor and Lt. Governor who you are.” I kindly advised that Jack and Matt knew me and sure enough in the next second I’m getting a warm hug and thank you from Jack (and they’re both calling me by my first name). I gave each a hearty “mazel tov” and told them not to hesitate to call me for anything to help with their plans for the state.

    Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Pictures on my blog as soon as I download them and sort them.

  28. liberalgeek says:

    MJ – Are you the “Israelie” that Liz just sent a vicious email about? Apparently, you and I are genocidal killers. You for zionism, me for not republishing all of the stuff that a blogless Liz orders me to.

  29. pandora says:

    MJ and Mark Stanton, my talented friend and neighbor, LG.

    Guess what? If I became Governor… there’d be a lot of Italians in attendance. Liz is off the charts.

  30. MJ says:

    Yes, I’m the running dog, imperialist, colonialist, Zionist pig that has his jackboot on the throats of the world’s underclass that Li(e)z probably wrote you about. 🙂

    I think I’m also the one that DV has a man crush on.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone Saturday night.

  31. anonone says:

    Elizabeth_P – Nice job on the song today – you have a lovely voice.

    Keep singing!!

  32. PI says:

    Elizabet_P – It was more than a nice job….it was beautifully executed. anon must have his/her head up his/her respective ass. I can’t even imagine singing under such blustery conditions.

  33. BDD says:

    PI, I echo your sentiments on Elizabet_P at 8:20 a.m. this morning. Anon clearly has no ear for music nor understanding of the English language. I have heard thru the grapevine this young lady has quite a bright future…..she was recently selected to audition at Juilliard which is no easy feat! The ceremonies in general were great and I was renewed by Gov. Markell’s and Lt. Gov. Denn’s remarks!

    Bravo, Elizabet_P!