HB 1 Open Government Update

Filed in Delaware by on January 23, 2009

This bill was voted out of the House Administration Committee on Wednesday with 3 On the Merits votes. The NJ expands on the discussions, with Speaker Gilligan making it clear he doesn’t want to entertain Amendments that will weaken the bill:

The lead sponsor of the proposal, House Speaker Robert F. Gilligan, D-Sherwood Park, said he would entertain amendments on the House floor — provided they were not intended to weaken the bill. He also vowed that, if need be, he would use a heavy hand to make sure the bill is debated fully and brought to a vote.

Legislators are looking for FOIA exemptions for constituent email and there are likely more exemptions to come. In addition, the Comptroller weighs in:

Controller General Russ Larson came to the committee meeting to suggest that the Legislature would need a full-time employee to handle record retrieval and research tasks that would come with the new openness provisions. He set the personnel cost at $61,500 a year. Larson said the state Department of Technology and Information had reported that its staff was overextended because of open-records requests. He suggested that the General Assembly might want to consider spending $500,000 for a message-journaling system to help with the historic research required for many such requests. “You can certainly pass this bill without putting a penny in the budget,” Larson said. “It just means that a person doing one thing now will be doing this, too.”

Compliance with FOIA requests can be labor intensive, and approving this without adding either the labor or infrastructure to handle the requests can functionally render this whole project useless. We aren’t going to get much Open Government if it takes months after a decision has been taken to get information on it.

But you can get around this by just defacto getting certain types of records and information up on the web pretty immediately and let the public just go get the info without additional mediation. Some info is certainly always going to be exempt from this, AND getting information organized and up on the web in a retrievable fashion needs labor resources too.

It looks as though this is going to get a pretty lively debate in the House and that there are those lining up to add places where information can be shielded from the public. Some of this will be merited, but watching for unnecessary hiding places is going to be a big part of the watching effort going forward.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (8)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Oy, with the carriage returns again. Sorry everybody.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Much! Thanks! I think that there is something running on my work computer that is interfering with this formatting. I don’t have this problem from my home machine.

  3. Pragmatist says:

    I am hearing that the House Majority Leader, Pete Schwartzkopf, is opposed to opening up the money deliberations in the Joint Finance Committee and the Bond Bill Committee.

    I have heard Representative Schwartzkopf voice the same concerns. It will make it very hard to explore all the options, he said.

    If they don’t open up the money talks they will have gutted this bill.

    If your are reading this down in the 14th District please give Representative Schwartzkopf a call.

  4. Another Mike says:

    Also call Speaker Gilligan and insist he keep his promise not to entertain any amendments that would weaken the bill. It’s already not as good as Karen Peterson’s SB4.

    Why doesn’t Russ Larson open his trap about all the other things that will cost the state money? I’m thinking it would take Tom Wagner about 15 minutes to find $61,500 worth of waste that could be directed to FOIA efforts.

  5. anon2700 says:

    It’s going to take more than one person to handle the FOIA requests that are going to flood in. Consider…. he or she will be taking care of stuff from you guys & gals, Dave Burris, Green Delaware, John Flaherty, the fart-joke guy at DWA, Charlie Copeland, WGMD, a couple of the weekly papers, the DSN and TNJ. So that’s a lowball figure.

  6. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I hope Gillie expands his ‘no amendment’ stance to include the Eminent Domain bill.

    Let’s make certain McDribble doesn’t kill it kissing up to city government. Wilmington’s lobbyists are working overtime to ensure the Riverfront Dev. Corp. & BPG get what they want. Call. Write. Appear.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    You better hope they don’t add a fiscal note to this!
    It will be bounced to finance, and their hands will be clean, all with the “we tried….”. Demand FOIA costs for usual and customary, at a basic rate for simple inquiry, and personnel rate for intensive (say greater than 3 pages), search. It’s give and take time this economic cycle!