Nemski was arrested!

Filed in National by on January 24, 2009

We have the video!  HOLY SHIT![youtube][/youtube]

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hiding in the open

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  1. Lee Ann, Public Servant says:

    Anonone, Miscreant and I want some real video of the party. Knock off this fake crap, we’re not fooled.

  2. anonone says:

    I think that really was Hube…

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    That totally happened!

  4. anonone says:

    UI, are you at home, too?

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I just came home from the party.

  6. anonone says:

    Anybody tazed? Anything we’ll read about in the News Journal tomorrow? Anybody make a lampshade-on-the head announcement about running for Castle or Biden’s seat? Is Rsmitty still a repub? 🙂

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I think that DV will be tazed once nemski reads this in the AM…..

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    I do not want one cent of my hard-earned post taxed dollars, earmarked for charitable efforts, to post bail for Nemski. Gitmo is freeing up, there should be room there. And here — take the 1995 pickles, and dog food with you!

    You better hide Hef…!