A Good Night For All

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2009

Wow.  Let me say first that Deer Field Fine Wines knows how to throw a party.  They came up huge last night with a full on extravaganza of wine, food and hospitality.  If you need wine, you need Deerfield.

I am still tabulating the guests that paid at the door, but we are going to end up with over $1000 going to Autism Delaware.  This should go a long way toward making the lives of autistic children and adults easier and more productive.

I would like to thank Lt. Governor, Matt Denn for his attendance last night.  He was, as always, a great speaker and wonderful guest.  Also, Governor Jack Markell recorded a greeting for the Inaugural Ball which was played on a big screen TV to rave reviews.  Biden and Obama were no-shows… 🙂

Donviti came up huge, also.  Once you got in the door of the place last night, that was all Donviti.  Nice work, my friend.

Grand total, we had around 80 guests including John Kowalko, Bill Dunn and John Brady.  From the blogosphere, Mike Matthews, Redwaterlilly, Randy Nelson and RSmitty, MJ, KarmicJay and Tommywonk.  Plus, we had the full compliment of DelawareLiberal contributors.

I’ll write more on the evening later, but it really was a great shindig with a lot of really wonderful people.  Thank you all for coming out and helping out a good cause and to celebrate the great victories of November.

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  1. karmicjay says:

    Thank you to all those who put it together. It was good to be able to put faces to some of the names. It was a good night indeed!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Fun was had by all! I didn’t get to meet Randy Nelson, though.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    That really was fun! I was delighted to be able to meet so many of you (although I didn’t get to meet Brian Shields 🙁 ). DV certainly knows how to throw a party, as does Deerfield.

    Thanks, everybody!

  4. pandora says:

    Deerfield rocked! I loved the open design of the store – a perfect place for selecting the perfect wine. The staff was beyond helpful. They were charming and friendly. Great pick, DV. You outdid yourself!

    I had a wonderful time last night. I loved meeting everyone. We’ll have to do it again soon.

  5. (although I didn’t get to meet Brian Shields 🙁 )

    I wasn’t there.

  6. Rebecca says:

    I was with you in spirit but the flesh was weak last night. The fatigue factor plus jammies and cocoa won out, for which I am very sorry. It sounds like a great party. Good job all.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I’m sorry, Brian! I thought someone told me you were there. But perhaps that was too much wine talking.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Brian was at the Foodbank in the morning, right?

  9. nemski says:

    It was a great time last night. Deerfield Wines threw a fantastic party, but it was everyone who attended that made it a fabulous night. I’m glad we were able to donate so much money to Autism DE.

  10. Miscreant says:

    Sounds like a good time was had by all, and produced generous donations for such a great cause.

    If you all ever decide to another charity shindig, please consider something like a tail gate party to benefit the “Mike Matthews Syndrome”.

  11. MJ says:

    My partner and I had a fabulous time (that doesn’t sound too gay, does it?). 🙂

    It was great meeting everyone, especially Donviti, Mrs. Hotviti, Babyviti, Nemski, Joanne Christian, Cassandra, Pandora, Unstable Isotope, and Jason. Great food and good wine.

    I must say, though, I thought DV would be taller.

    Maybe we could plan something down here in Sussex.

    Talk to you all soon.

  12. Yeah, I was at the food bank, I couldn’t stay for the schmoozing part, though.

  13. R Smitty says:

    …and I’d like to thank the many of you who made me feel butt ugly via the compliments made to my wife (or about her). 👿

    OK, seriously (which I already was), I had a great time, too. It’s great to know that money is going to the Autism Delaware. I know a couple of people (parents) who are very involved either as officers or dedicated members with Autism Delaware and it is a great, great organization. I was happy to see Theda Ellis attending as well. I have never met her before, but certainly knew of her via my friends’ involvement.

    On a side note, if any of you own/operate a company, or have some sway or opportunity to present a charitable event, please check out The Drive For Autism. This is their big-daddy event of the year (among the many they have). It is a big ticket, but if you check out the info, it’s easy to see why. It’s a great event that is a ton of fun!

  14. R Smitty says:

    check that moderation queue!!!

    BTW, I like the poll question about last night…particularly the TAB question! Nice!!!

  15. pandora says:

    Checked and rescued!

  16. Susan G says:

    I had a fun time at last night’s Autism Delaware fundraiser. Deerfield Wines presented a lovely wine and munchie spread that was complemented by knowledgeable hosts at the individual wine stations. The overall fete created by DV and the convivial store management lent itself to a warm and inviting atmosphere. I was also impressed the individual wine station hosts’ use of the nearby wine region maps as part of their discourses!

    As a relative newcomer to perusing the DelawareLiberal.net blog, it was a pleasure to meet the Tour de Force that helped shape the recent Delaware and National election scenes.

    Thank you for the lovely evening! SG

  17. RSmitty says:

    OK, what I want to know is if anonone or kavips were there without revealing their respective alter egos. Well? Did you mingle?

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    Thank you for hosting a tremendous mid-winter event with purpose. Knowing some of the folks aligned with the Autism Delaware Group, it was great to see the support go their way, and send the message we know you are there. I can’t even imagine the isolation, and self-navigation many of these families have had to do on their loved one’s behalf–and every step of the way. Hopefully, the funds will allow the group to take a breath somewhere. Great choice.

    The Food Bank was terrific. Our family has volunteered in canneries and food distribution events before–but I loved that we could do this one together–and it wasn’t just “teen day”, or adults only. My daughter was shocked you let her (or the Food Bank did), come along, and I have others that wanted to come, but drew the “short straw”, of who’s staying home with the youngin’. Thank you, for putting us onto that community exercise we can keep doing–and helping husband has already made phone calls to continue with other manpower.

    Now, if this group really likes sorting–the USO in Dover has another whole warehouse of “care package” contents for our troops doing packing etc.. They can always use help with sorting, assembling etc., and have very little help or assistance at this time. It was another eye-opening event for us of the magnitude of Delawarean’s generosity of “things”, but now it has to be sorted. No matter where your feelings are about our wars or skirmishes, I don’t think anyone could begrudge or deny a soldier a few toiletries or magazines from home. And it could be your Kent County event!

    All in all–you hosted a wonderful day DeLib of great intention, and greater goodwill. By golly, I think it was a bloggers’ cease-fire!

  19. Bill Dunn says:

    I had a great time, lots of good conversation and the sushi was great!

    I’d like to nominate Pandora, queen blogger with the laptop she carries around the house like her baby and Unstable Isotope, as the minion of eloquent retort.

    Nice to meet and chat with people I hadn’t met before and others that I don’t type fast enough to keep up with.

    I think it would be nice to do it every three months or so and maybe sponsor a different non-profit/charity each time.

  20. Mrs XStryker says:

    I had a really lovely time as well. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know all the DE Liberal contributors and their spouses (and children now)! This kind of thing really makes Delaware feel more like home for this Connecticut Yankee. 🙂