Delaware Liberal

A Good Night For All

Wow.  Let me say first that Deer Field Fine Wines knows how to throw a party.  They came up huge last night with a full on extravaganza of wine, food and hospitality.  If you need wine, you need Deerfield.

I am still tabulating the guests that paid at the door, but we are going to end up with over $1000 going to Autism Delaware.  This should go a long way toward making the lives of autistic children and adults easier and more productive.

I would like to thank Lt. Governor, Matt Denn for his attendance last night.  He was, as always, a great speaker and wonderful guest.  Also, Governor Jack Markell recorded a greeting for the Inaugural Ball which was played on a big screen TV to rave reviews.  Biden and Obama were no-shows… 🙂

Donviti came up huge, also.  Once you got in the door of the place last night, that was all Donviti.  Nice work, my friend.

Grand total, we had around 80 guests including John Kowalko, Bill Dunn and John Brady.  From the blogosphere, Mike Matthews, Redwaterlilly, Randy Nelson and RSmitty, MJ, KarmicJay and Tommywonk.  Plus, we had the full compliment of DelawareLiberal contributors.

I’ll write more on the evening later, but it really was a great shindig with a lot of really wonderful people.  Thank you all for coming out and helping out a good cause and to celebrate the great victories of November.

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