Delaware Liberal

Meet the Clowns Getting Your Tax Dollars

No, this is not another bank post. This is about Derek Dye — Abstinence Clown. Mr. Dye apparently hauls his clown shoes all over Ohio to tell kids that pre-marital sex will destroy your dreams and that pre-marital sex is just like juggling machetes. I.Kid.You.Not. This guy is part of the failed abstinence-only program, which, it looks like, is another version of wingnut welfare. Behold:

Frankly, I am just stunned that anyone thinks that this is a reasonable way to speak to children, much less is worth paying for. And I’ll also add that kids seem to know when you do not take them seriously — and grown man dressing up as a clown to talk to kids about sex just invites those kids to ignore any adult who would subject them to this bit of disingenuousness.

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