Day 8: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 5, 2009

Mike Castle: Don’t give away my fancy coins to hard-working Americans! They are for me to swim in.


About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (9)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Castle to head the US mint!

    All Obama appointees suddenly realize that they need to pay taxes, so appointing Castle to head the BEP will kill two birds with one stone.

    It will get him out of Delaware and it will be a windfall for the US treasury.

  2. Congressman Castle despite your rants is repersenting Delaware very capably.

    He is not the orthodox extremist and former Pres Bush lackey you make him out to be.

    His support for many non traditional GOP issues has earned him a reputation for independence but surely not one for being shrill, vindictive or needless drama that many who have no positions of respnsibility claim have earned for themselves.

    At this point Castle could find the cure for Cancer and you would criticize him.

  3. Sorry, correction on spelling.



  4. jason330 says:

    At this point Castle could find the cure for Cancer and you would criticize him.

    I happen to know that Castle found a cure for cancer last year, but John Boehner told him not to tell anyone about it.

    Party Over Country Mike!

  5. X Stryker says:

    Being a spineless cowardly powerless backbencher with no economic plan whatsoever except for “more George W. Bush policies” is NOT serving Delaware well at all. Or did you fail to notice all the layoffs here?

  6. Suzanne says:

    “At this point Castle could find the cure for Cancer and you would criticize him.”

    ..and at this point we all wonder if you and Castle are lovers or why it is that you feel you have to defend him all the time.

    I mean – my god, you put Nancy to shame when she defends Karen Weldin Stewart.

  7. Simple, your hatred for Castle makes your criticisms often baseless.

    The guy is independent and as I have said a lot of republicans don’t like his social views.

    Still, he is contemplative and earnest, something a position of responsibility requires.

    Firing off senseless unfound personal attacks behind a keyboard is not responsibility.

  8. liz says:

    independent as a fox can be in a hen house of fools.

  9. anon says:

    independent as a fox can be in a hen house of fools.

    I don’t know what this means but I think I like it.