Day 10: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 7, 2009

Today is the tenth day since Congressman Mike Castle voted against the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. This vote of Representative Mike Castle was a vote against the people of Delaware and a vote as a lapdog of the Republican Party.

BTW, I’m still pissed.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. delacrat says:

    Cong. Mike Castle is NOT a co-sponsor of single-payer healthcare or …

    HR. 676, the United States National Health Care Act

    Under this legislation “All individuals residing in the United States (including any territory of the United States) are covered under the USNHC Program entitling them to a universal, best quality standard of care.”

    The bill is currently in House committees “for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker”.

    Trillion $ wars. Who needs health care.

  2. jason330 says:

    I think Nemski was one of those sensible ticket splitters who thought that Castle was a moderate.

  3. Odd — I thought dissent was patriotic. Now you declare it to be a “betrayal”.

    I guess your believe is that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism — when the President is a Republican. Otherwise it is treason.”

  4. delacrat says:

    Rhymes with right,

    Just what does a multimillionaire like Castle have to dissent about?

  5. jason330 says:

    Dissent is the highest form of patriotism — when the President is wrong Dummy.

    Did you skip HS civics?

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Dissent is not the problem — not taking the economic meltdown that his party caused seriously IS a problem.

  7. liz says:

    To replace Daschle we need to push Dr. Angell!

    Castle a supporter of single payer, what a friggin joke. Castle like all the right wing nut cases “called it socialized medicine”, of course its the opposite of that. These people research nothing, they are like parrots….repeat what another uninformed neo con says and its gotta be true.

    Jason I sent you and Geek the informaton on the call in day…why dont you post so we can get some momentum going from Delaware?