Day 12: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 9, 2009


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (19)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is awesome blogging. It totally nails Castle with his lies and RNC toadyship.

  2. xstryker says:

    Video editing is not my strong suit, so apologies for the quality. This is the first video I’ve ever uploaded to the internet. In retrospect, maybe I compressed it a bit too much.

    PS: Mike Castle is a fool and a phoney.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Carney or Biden will have a field day with this commercial in 2010. Hence why Castle is retiring.

  4. Day 12 of Mike Castle taking a measured vote against a bill which will not accomplish what is needed.

    Mr. Castle is not against a stimulus bill but this bill only stimulate special interests , higher debt, higher inflation and higher taxes.

  5. Mrs XStryker says:

    HAHAHAHAHA Mine is an EVIL laugh!

  6. jason330 says:


    27% of Delawareans agree with you. Good luck with that.

    Also, don’t put two links inthe same comment. It puts you in the spam filter.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Protack should want Castle to retire, for with Castle gone he finally has a chance to be the nominee of the GOP for a state wide office, if only because the DEGOP doesn’t have 4 state wide Republicans available to run for the 4 state wide offices available.

    Wagner for State Auditor. Check.
    Copeland for Senate. Check.
    Connolly for AG. Check.
    Protack for House! Check
    ??? for Treasurer.

  8. jason330 says:

    They might try to leapfrog Buckson from Kent County Levy Court – but still it is a very very weak bench.

  9. xstryker says:

    Translation from Protack:

    “this bill only stimulate special interests”

    Also known as schools, alternative energy generation, infrastructure construction, and the unemployed.

    “higher debt”

    Higher debt is only OK if we get to kill Iraqis and allow Halliburton and KBR to commit massive billion-dollar fraud.

    “higher inflation”

    I don’t know what a “deflationary spiral” is and I’m hoping you don’t either.

    “and higher taxes.”

    If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true, so this is now officially true, right?

  10. liz says:

    We will have a shot at Castle….on WILM 1450am tomorrow….make sure you call that schmuck and call him out on his being a traitor to his voters. Where was his town hall, when did he ask the citizens of Delaware what we thought…never! He was in Dover yesterday meeting who?????I will bet that Watson and him made a deal….he will take no calls, so we cant get at the traitor…and Watson will ask mamby, pamby questions.

    Newsmax and Grassfire two of the most extreme right wing groups are asking their supporters to go after the three senate moderate republicans? These people are in a word…vicious haters of working people. Protack you can build all you want…in 2010 you will loose all the rest. Keep up the good work.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    That is just awesome, xstryker! I’m hoping that you want to become the Delaware version of the Jed Report with stuff like this.


    ??? for Treasurer.

    Mike Brown (City Councilman at Large in Wilmington), please!

  12. nemski says:

    You know if Delaware Republicans were smart, they’d have Wagner run for Senate or Congress.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Awesome video and so true!

  14. xstryker says:

    I agree, Nemski, but if Wagner’s smart, he’ll turn them down. A smart man knows a losing bet when he sees one.

  15. karmicjay says:

    Great video Stryker… very effective and gets the message across very clearly!

  16. Pragmatist says:

    Maybe we’ll all live to see the revival of the Bull Moose Party. One can only hope.

  17. liz says:

    Castle needs a new public relations person, Protack its not you. The man is genius at presenting himself as a moderate 6 months before his elections, and then turning back into Dr. Stranglove the rest of his term. Of course, he is aided and abetted by Carper and Biden, and certain members of the Demorat party.

  18. xstryker says:

    You’re a laugh riot, Protack. Here’s the score.

    According to the graph, 64% of the money will be spent (meaning project complete) within the next 19 months, short of the 75% goal. Okay. But what about the rest of it? Well, the chart clearly shows that it will go to things that start soon enough, but won’t be completed by the end of 2010. Meaning, the horror, that some of the jobs created in this package could be stable for years!

    A great example of this is the money allocated towards rural internet access. Rural America is pretty big, and it will take years to hook up all of it. The jobs benefit that this will create is enormous, and I’m NOT talking about government jobs. It will create thousands of high-paying IT jobs in some of the poorest counties in America. If it were introduced as a separate bill, this would pass OVERWHELMINGLY – certainly purists like Jeb Hensarling, Tom Coburn, and Ron Paul would vote against, but many of the rest would want to pacify their rural base.

    So we have a measure that creates jobs, some right away, but many more later. And one that would be overwhelmingly popular. But because Republicans desperately need to score cheap political points, they suddenly get very technical about short term spending versus long-term investment (and believe me, we need plenty of the latter).

    In other words, Protack and many other Republicans hate the bill because it isn’t short-sighted enough. Typical.

    Tell, me, Protack, which measures in the bill passed by the house do you oppose? Be specific, for once.