Even Harringtonians Are Onto Castle’s Game

Filed in National by on February 9, 2009

From today’s NJ Letters section:

Not only was Castle incorrect in voting to oppose the stimulus package, he betrayed ordinary Delawareans in doing so.
Obama has made repeated attempts to get bipartisan support even taking out controversial projects opposed by the Republicans. Such removals are not acknowledged by the Republicans even to the point that Mitch McConnell referred to the resodding of the National Mall in his news conference even though that concept had been removed from the bill long before his news conference.
What they really want, besides the White House, is no taxes at all.
Michael Humphrey

Bonus: Check out our liberal NJ’s view of the recent elections in Iraq (from an editoral cartoonists point of view) in today’s NJ.

If you can’t stand to buy the paper (and I don;t blame you) it is a picture of Saddam Hussien with blood on his hands under the caption: “Stained Fingers if Obama Had His Way On The War…”

Get it? Good thing Bush launched his great and glorious war in Iraq to get rid of the bad Saddam.

THAT is what the dumbass editorial page editors at the NJ think that Delaware (63% Democratic) needs to see this morning.

The paper can not die soon enough for me.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    They had a stupid editorial about the stimulus this weekend. Like almost all media outlets, they are bipartisan fetishists. They have decided that having so-called moderates negotiate automatically leads to a better bill, when they have actually removed a good part of the stimulus.

  2. cassandra m says:

    So is this Day 12?

    And don’t get me started on the quality of the editorial page of that paper.

  3. Really? says:

    Perhaps the writer should look to his own democrat govt in Harrington that hired a two-bit accountant who absconded with the town’s money (with the help of her son-in-law and daughter) to the tune of $500,000 and the mayor, Mr. Gene Price – didn’t have an insurance policy on the city for more than $50,000. You wanna talk taxes? Tell this guy to look at his recent City Hall bill for the water (of which there is only a trickle), sewer and trash… Dust-bowl town whose inhabitants can make one full set of teeth.

  4. nemski says:

    Dust-bowl town whose inhabitants can make one full set of teeth.

    Nice Really?, real nice.

  5. jason330 says:

    inhabitants can make one full set of teeth.

    kinda proves my point that Castle is losing his base.

  6. cassandra m says:

    Isn’t Harrington the town with the legendary speed trap on 13?

  7. Sharon says:

    What they really want, besides the White House, is no taxes at all.

    I’m fascinated by the horror expressed at the idea of low or no taxes.

  8. jason330 says:


    We don’t all live on a farm like you and grown our own food and travel down rutted paths to market to buy the few homespun products that we can’t produce on our looms.

    Some us us use roads to get to work, and use modern inventions like vaccine.