Talking to God.

Filed in National by on February 9, 2009

I talk to God all the time. I pray for the health and safety of my friends and family. I pray that certain situations resolve themselves favorably. Yes, I do consider myself a religious man, yet, I have never been so arrogant, or insane, to claim that I know what God wants. Or what God has told me. I may be able to interpret what God would want. I may even take certain “signs” or subsequent events to be an answer to my prayer, or to be representative of God’s thoughts on a particular subject. Yet, even then, I realize it is only my subjective determination of what God wants, so I would be a fool to declare publicly that I have talked to God and thus know what he wants. Unlike Kent in the movie Real Genius, I have never heard God’s voice.

However, Norm Coleman apparently has heard God’s voice..

When asked about the recount and how it is affecting him personally, Coleman said he starts every day with a prayer and that he knows “God wants me to serve.”

George W. Bush also conversed with the Almighty and was ordered to end the tyranny in Iraq.

Of course, God didn’t want to go to war in Iraq, Bush did. God doesn’t want Norm Coleman in the Senate, Norm Coleman does. These two losers are so desperate to get what they want, that either a) they think God wants what they want, and/or b) they are using God’s supposed wishes as a last and unquestionable justification for getting what they want. For the record, I don’t know what God wants. He may very well wanted Bush to go to war in Iraq for whatever reason. He may very well want Norm Coleman to serve in the Senate. I must say though, that if God really wanted those things, He doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, given the prosecution of the war in Iraq, and given the fact that Norm Coleman lost the election. And God may in fact oppose all violence, and thus be against going to war in Iraq. Or He may enjoy the comedic stylings of Al Franken and wished to see him in the Senate. Who the hell knows?

Norm Coleman sure doesn’t. His false invocation of God’s will is but one more reason to deny him the Senate seat he rightfully lost in the election.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Really? Do you have a transcript or a recording?

  2. Miscreant says:

    She promised to chisel it into stone tablets, but after what she told me about the outcome of the election, I’m not holding my breath.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    If She wanted Coleman to win, She should have given him the majority of votes.

  4. AnonSeventeen says:

    Everyone knows God is a man, duh.

  5. jason330 says:

    Morgan Freeman to be precise.

  6. pandora says:

    Alanis Morissette to be more precise!

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Miscreant is just talking to the worm in the bottom of the bottle — the Franken tax thing is lat April’s issue. The RNC is capitalizing on the tax issues of Daschle , Geithner and the rest to fire up a new campaign ad (airing now — I kid you not) ominously wondering if Franken paid his taxes.

    God does, however, want Norm Coleman to report to the Big House promptly for letting his friends finance his lifestyle.

  8. delacrat says:

    Can Norm Coleman even confirm that G*D is registered to vote in Minnesota?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    If so, it would be a Lutheran G*D, which is probably not good news for Norm.

  10. liz says:

    God has nothing to do with it…he/she/it knows that in America, there is a separation of church and state therefore he/she/it has no comment.

  11. Miscreant says:

    Your God is the voice(s) in your head, Liz. My God just happens to be a politically active conservative lesbian.

  12. MJ says:

    The problem with Coleman’s claim is that Hashem (G-D) does not “talk” to those of us who are Jewish. I guess he forgot that he is indeed Jewish or he would have never made this statement. He’s gonna have a lot of ‘splainin to do on Yom Kippur.

  13. Perhaps you should call the White House?

    The junior Illinois senator stood in the pulpit of a Pentecostal church Sunday to challenge the partisan religious perception by telling some 4,000 worshippers that faith “plays every role” in his life.

    “It’s what keeps me grounded. It’s what keeps my eyes set on the greatest of heights,” Obama told members of the Redemption World Outreach Center in Greenville, S.C., according to The Associated Press.

    Faith, he said, is “what propels me to do what I do and when I am down it’s what lifts me up.”

    Obama, who is a member of the United Church of Christ – considered one of the most liberal mainline Protestant denomination, also said God “is with us and He wants us to do the right thing,” such as breaking down divisions between Democrats and Republicans and among religions, according to AP.

    When people work together, there is “nothing that can stop us because that’s God’s intention.” the senator exhorted.

  14. pandora says:

    Mike, call me when Obama says that God speaks to him directly.

    I miss the good old days. You know, the ones where people who heard voices were considered crazy.