Delaware Liberal

A Day of Action To Elect Lisa Diller

Tomorrow is a DelawareLiberal “Day of Action” to elect Lisa Diller to the New County Council County Council.

John Kowalko says this about Diller:

I am supporting Lisa Diller and asking everyone to support Lisa because she is honest and thoughtful, bright and passionate. She has a sense of compassion and awareness for the community that is uncommon in politics and public service. I’ve always prided myself on constituent service and accessibility to my constituency and all of the people in Delaware. Lisa Diller is as close in attitude and willingness to serve the public as I think and hope I have been. That is the reason I support Lisa and hope you will also. I think it’s a rare opportunity for me to work hand in hand and side by side with someone who will put the interests of the people first and will be only a phone call away for you and me. Please come out and vote on Thursday Feb. 19th for that person who will be there for you and your families. Lisa Diller is that person.

John Kowalko

Tomorrow we’ll be asking the entire DL community (excluding Mike Protack) to choose one of three simple activities that will help elect a great Democrat.

(And remember whenever we elect a Democrat we prevent one potential Mike Castle or  Tom Delay from getting his start in politics.)

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