Rick Jensen’s Arbitron Ratings Tanking

Filed in National by on February 11, 2009

WDEL’s Sean Hannity Wannabe, Jensen’s ratings* are in the tank and station management is seriously considering their contract obligations to Delaware’s most consistently wrong infotainer.

Some say he is dragging down the rest of the station and negatively impacting Delmarva Broadcasting quarterly profit outlook.

I’m not sad.


*Note: Thinking about Jensen, I started to imagine that having no conscience about simply lying one’s ass off must be liberating…and guess what? It is!


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. anon says:

    I noticed that they are teaming him up with staffers on air. The other voices at the mic are welcome. Jensen can’t wing it solo.

  2. Jason,

    Is this some more puffery on your part? Where in that report does it delineate Jensen’s ratings? And, from what I can tell, WDEL is the number one talk radio station in the Wilmington market and that they increased their share by two-tenths of a point from Spring to Fall 2008.

    Or am I reading the report wrong?

  3. Truth Teller says:

    People who’s minds are made of mush listen to this crap. And i include Rush the Junkie in that mix

  4. Unstable Isotope says:


    I think it’s satire.

  5. Sometimes I guess he lays the satire on a bit too thick. Or is it I’m too thick? 😉

  6. pandora says:

    It’s Jason-speak and it’s an art form all on its own.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Isn’t good satire supposed to be hard to spot?

  8. jason330 says:

    I never said I was good at satire.

    I was trying to write a post that used a Jensen-esque level of truthful objectivity.

  9. I think he needs donviti to even him out

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I think he needs Donviti to do a hostile takeover.

  11. Susan Regis Collins says:

    ..Jensen is still on air? Who knew……….

  12. liz says:

    It should be obvious to the management at WDEL that a right winger in a blue state has few listeners. Thats why I am sad that Delaware Radio is gone, would loved to have discussed that terrible idea of the “homeland school”, with Mike or Randy. Cuz WDEL would never permit a discussion like that on their station.

    Get used to it folks….we live in NO NEWS DELAWARE! The Stooge Journal in particular the Editorial board are staunch “chamberites”, republicans of the worst ilk. I hear Clear Channel is laying off thousands, how long can WILM remain on air….guess we will soon get our outsourced news from outside the state any day now.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    “Cuz WDEL would never permit a discussion like that on their station.”

    Why do you keep saying things like this? It’s just not true. I’ve been there three and a half years now and have NEVER been told to avoid discussing a topic — NEVER.

    As to your first statement, that’s not true, either. Conservative talk radio succeeds in both blue and red states. What has failed is what you constantly claim would succeed — liberal talk radio.

  14. anon2700 says:


    Check voter registrations for the News Journal’s reporters and editors.

    I daresay you’ll see far more blue than red.