Delaware Liberal

Update Part II: Gregg Says He Won’t Run in 2010 – Updated with WH response -Breaking: Gregg’s Gone

Sen. Judd Gregg withdraws his name to be secretary of commerce.  His reasons?  “Irresolvable conflicts” with President Obama on the issues of the census and the stimulus.  I’m so relieved.

Josh Marshall’s take.

This is extremely weird. Gregg is out at Commerce, withdrawing for what he appears to be calling irreconcilable differences on Stimulus and the Census.

Now, the Census is one thing because Census administration is a pretty touchy issue between the parties — largely tied to the Democrats’ wanting to count everyone and the Republicans not. And I could sort of see where maybe this issue got dicey.

But the Stimulus? Didn’t we have a pretty clear idea what was up with the Stimulus before Gregg got the nod?

Late Update: Hearing maybe that this might not be about Census or Stimulus but maybe Gregg not being able to hack the deluge of crap he was getting from what’s left of the New Hampshire GOP.

UPDATE:  The White House weighs in.

“Senator Gregg reached out to the President and offered his name for Secretary of Commerce. He was very clear throughout the interviewing process that despite past disagreements about policies, he would support, embrace, and move forward with the President’s agenda. Once it became clear after his nomination that Senator Gregg was not going to be supporting some of President Obama’s key economic priorities, it became necessary for Senator Gregg and the Obama administration to part ways. We regret that he has had a change of heart”

Gregg has succeeded in making himself look petty and foolish.  New Hampshire would be better off without a man who obviously doesn’t know his own mind.

UPDATE II:  Gregg says no to 2010.

Gregg, 61, has been in the Senate since 1993 and serves as the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee. 

Gregg also confirmed that he has no plans to run for Senate again when his term is up in 2010.

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