Delaware Liberal

DE Budget Cuts Announced

We are entering uncharted territory and it is good to know that in Delaware and in Washington that the grown ups are back behind the wheel. 

Per Governor Markell’s  press release: 

After taking a thorough line-by-line look at appropriations for fiscal 2009, Markell and the Office of Management and Budget found an additional $27.4 million in state agency budgets that can be returned to the General Fund. Those savings, along with the savings from the new state spending policies announced Thursday, will reduce the fiscal 2009 shortfall by $28.7 million.

 Markell emphasized that the cuts announced today are only the beginning.

 “Shortly after we have had a chance to fully analyze the impact on Delaware of the stimulus package, we will begin to make additional announcements about steps we must take to balance the Fiscal Year 2009 and Fiscal Year 2010 budgets,” Markell said.  “We expect those steps will be difficult and painful.”

Complete list of cuts after the jump.

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