“No One Trusts You Anymore.”

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009

I am a new fan of Congressman Michael Capuano. Who knew he had it in him?

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  1. nemski says:

    That was great.

  2. pandora says:

    Love that clip. The point Congressman Capuano makes is universal. He is speaking for most Americans.

  3. jason330 says:


    “Who was the brilliant person who came and said, let’s do credit defalt swaps? Find them and fire them.”

  4. Truth Teller says:

    Yes he was great.

    HOWEVER OFF THE SUBJECT FOR A SECOND> I see Senator Gregg of NH has refused to back Obama’s job package. Now comes the real test Will Obama withdraw his name from a cabinet position. let see if our guy has any Balls. Or will he continue to let the Repuks roll him?

  5. jason330 says:

    BTW – Mike Castle was on that hearing panel and asked how these execs felt their credit card business will be impacted.

    I shit you not.

    Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Michael Castle, R-Del., both questioned the CEOs about their credit card practices, with Waters aggressively challenging the executives over raising interest rates on cards since receiving federal funds and Castle inquiring about the potential exposure to another massive series of losses.

    Bank of America’s Lewis agreed with Castle that the coming year, with high unemployment, would likely be difficult for credit card issuers.

    “Clearly this is going to be an awful year for the credit card industry … no doubt about it,” he said, adding that the company was striving to mitigate future losses “as much as possible.”

    Castle had just met with Lewis in Wilmington a few days prior, so I think YOUR Rep in Congress was just throwing the pre-planned softball.

  6. pandora says:

    It’s all about priorities. Guess we know where Castle’s are. Geez, is he going to tuck them in at night, as well?

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m with you TT. I see no good reason for Gregg’s appointment. What is Obama getting out of it?

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Capuano is just saying what we’ve all been feeling. The bank execs and their political buddies need to hear it. Not just need to hear it, but need to understand it. I don’t think they get it yet. They’re still handing out bonuses (I’m sorry “retention packages”) for failure and whine that $500,000 means they will lose their best “talent” (AKA the idiots who caused the problems).

  9. anon says:

    It’s Congressman George Costanza! That was an awesome rant, dead on.

  10. arthur says:

    Becuase of course politicians are the apex of trustworthiness.

  11. Truth Teller says:

    How did we allow Bush and company put us in the position where we bail out banks with a very small interest loan and then let them charge us 20% and up to use our own money. it would have been better to let the bastards fail and have the government lend us the $750 billion at a lower rate talk about getting the economy going.

  12. Jason Z says:

    How many people do you suppose Bank of America and the others employ in Delaware? What percentage of that is the total workforce? Will we have all those mail clerks, accountants, sales reps, human resource support personnel, window washers, security guards, cleaning crews, and administrative assistants build bridges and bike paths? I’d say the banking industry is more important than the government to the welfare of Wilmington and probably the whole state.

    And you don’t get charged 20% for your own money, you get charged that for credit, aka someone else’s money.

  13. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Now that’s Italian!!!!!

  14. Truth Teller says:

    Another repuk Senator comming out against caps on Bankers and other Wall Street types Senator Snow of Main.

    Now the whole congress has jumped ship on this