An Accidental Truth

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009

And it is from a repub, so mark this as a Red Letter Day. And show your kids — this is one of the very few times you’ll hear something truthful from these people.  You’ll have to sit through more whinging about the Fairness Doctrine in this video, but Steele is really correct about this (and I hope that his assessment gets into ALOT of campiagn commercials):



About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. pandora says:

    Oh, I bet that’s going to go over well in right-wing circles.

  2. nemski says:

    Answer: An honest Republican.

    Question: What are three words I never thought I’d see together?

  3. anon says:

    I was actually more taken aback by the premise of the question: “You betrayed us…” WTF is he talking about? Who is “us?”

    Wait, don’t tell me, I know… he is trying to detoxify Republicanism by implanting a myth that what Republicans were doing for the last 8 years wasn’t really Republicanism. Got it.

  4. jason330 says:

    Glenn Beck’s whole set up is whack. “It was hard to be the racists in the office.”


  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Bush wasn’t really a Republican is a common theme among most Bush fluffers now. They are about 8 years too late for that.

    Heh, that was amusing. “We took a lot of crap in the office for being racist, wanting to starve children.” Perhaps they shouldn’t have been racist and wanting to starve children. Republicans feel betrayed? Welcome to our world.