BREAKING: Castle is Boehner’s Bitch

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009

Per kos

The House has passed a $787 billion plan to resuscitate the economy, handing President Barack Obama a big victory.

The measure was passed on a 246-183, with no Republican “yes” votes. It will now go to the Senate, where a vote is expected later Friday.

It should be clear to all Delawareans that Mike Castle works for the RNC not for Delaware.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. pandora says:

    Another day, another Republican headline. Top story tonight (or second verse, same as the first): Not a single Republican votes for the stimulus bill.

  2. Rebecca says:

    They are determined to commit political suicide.

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given that the only base they have left are the rich, the wing-nuts, and a few regional abberrations which correlate almost directly with low literacy rates. That’s why they hate education so much.

  3. jason330 says:

    I am so freaking pissed off right now.

  4. Mark H says:

    Now I don’t want to be putting the cart before the horse, but how stupid do the R’s look if the stimulus even works a little. AND EVEN IF IT DOESN’T Economics is pretty cyclical. Chances are the economy will be going better 3 years from now (Let’s hope it’s not worse). And this will have happened without any help from the R’s. Not only do the R’s have sucky demographics, now we can add sucky decision making on their banner.
    Vote Republican..We don’t care and we know it šŸ™‚

  5. anon says:

    Why would they vote for it? They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by voting Yes.

    History shows there is no penalty for a No vote on recovery (see: 1993). And now they get to run as deficit hawks in 2010.

  6. anonone says:


    The bill PASSED! We WON! Bush is GONE! The repubs are drowning in their own spittle.

    You’re letting Mike Castle get to you and control your mood. Let go – Castle is a nobody now!

    Be of good cheer! WE WON!!!!!

  7. pandora says:

    I’m with you, Mark. Why didn’t they hedge their bets? Well, if they weren’t praying for failure before, they certainly are now. Any – any – positive economic news will not generate an ounce of credit for them.

    They won’t even be able to cite tax cuts… because they voted against them. Oh, they’ll parse and sputter, but the only thing people will remember is Not one Republican voted for the stimulus bill.

  8. Mark H says:

    “And now they get to run as deficit hawks in 2010”
    Yeah….And we paid for IRAQ with comic books? I understand what you’re saying, I’m just hoping the populace has a little longer memory than I have an attention span šŸ™‚

  9. anon says:

    Iā€™m just hoping the populace has a little longer memory

    This is the same populace that chose Bush instead of Gore after 8 years of peace and prosperity. There is no rationality.

    If there is a deficit, they will run as deficit hawks. If there is a surplus, they will run on tax cuts to “give the money back to the people.”

    Democrats are still too incompetent to call Republicans out and force them to campaign on spending cuts for specific services.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    Ok I really hope that Obama,Nancy and Harry have learned their lesson you can’t deal with assholes for they will always be assholes. So from here on in ignore them and pass the bills that you promised us.

  11. Mr. Castle made the correct choice.

    Bad legislation does not deserve a “yes” vote.

    This bill is Obama’s bill and he will have to live with the failure of the trillion dollar package.

    Obama has repeated the ‘end of the world’ scenario quite often. Too bad campaign mode does not relate to Leadership for America.

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think Obama has learned his lesson. It’s just so jarring (and depressing) when Obama ran as post-partisan and the Republicans are going completely the opposite way.

  13. jason330 says:

    Who wants to bet that Castle says his vote didn’t really matter because it had the votes to pass without him?

    He’ll ignore the fact that he bent over for Boehner in order to give the RNC a temporary PR victory – and he will say that the bill was “flawed” but that he agrees we need “to do something.”

    I’ll lay $100 on it right now.

  14. Phantom says:

    Hey, feels good to watch Castle commit political suicide. He should have done it much earlier. Nobody wants to hear do nothing when things are falling apart. THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER unless you are the GOP that anyone wants to hear. Oh, you lost your home to a tornado well we can’t do anything to help you b/c it would be generational theft to help you. The generational theft that is occurring is the simple fact that anyone has to even consider or listen to the idiots with an R by thier name. Now some democrats aren’t all there but they at least know enought that something has to be done. Plus I love how the GOP is now we can’t spend anything b/c we spend all of the money on our watch. Ha Ha. Such asswipes and Castle going down in 2010 will be beautiful with or without Carper. Someone is going to have a beautiful talk with Carper before 2010 and give him an offer he can’t refuse.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    Protack’s hopes and dreams about the failure of the Stimulus bill and the destruction of America have a flip side. Yes, if the Bill fails, the failure is on Obama. But what if the Bill succeeds?

    Should voting no condemn the Republicans to several generations of wandering the desert, like the success of the New Deal condemned the GOP to being out of the White House for 20 years.

    Obama and the Democrats will surely get the credit when the Bill works and the GOP will be saddled with their no votes, which will drag them down like anvils.

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t really see how voting no helps the Republicans all that much. What will be their platform – “hey I know the economy suck but at least I didn’t vote for that stimulus bill?”

  17. anonone says:

    Jason, I think your suffering from PRSD – Post Repub Stress Disorder.

    They lost. We won.

    Who cares anymore what Castle thinks. The Dems won. This is what change looks like.

    We won, dude! We won! Get used to it! Even the goats are happy!

  18. jason330 says:

    I get that we won. Now I want Castle to lose.

  19. xstryker says:

    Mike Castle chose poorly. And we will punish him for it.

    Every day.

    Tomorrow will be Day 17.

  20. Jason O'Neill says:

    The taxpayer lost. The Democrats are doing the same failed “plan” that Japan tried in the 1990s which prolonged their recession to last over 10 years.

    The American taxpayer lost because this bill will not save the economy. This is the largest transfer of wealth in history. From the American taxpayer to the federal government.

    Castle sided with the American taxpayer. Thank GOD!

  21. Von Cracker says:

    Japan spent funds for stimulus without encouraging spending.

    Know your shit before you type, por favor.

  22. nemski says:

    Good god JO, nice to see you don’t have any grasp of reality.

    Though nice new talking point ripped incorrectly from Obama’s speech the other day.

  23. El Somnambulo says:

    It is amusing that Rethugs can talk about ‘bad bills’ and ‘same failed “plan”‘ when they have created this disaster. As Sen. Schumer said, where was the Rethugs’ tut-tutting when Bush dedicated $2 trillion for tax cuts for the Greenville crowd and their ilk? Now, THAT was a large transfer of wealth to those who neither needed nor deserved it.

    Where was the Rethugs’ fiscal sanity when hundreds of billions were pissed away in the Iraq follies?

    They are now reduced to rooting for the fiscal package and the Obama Administration to fail as their only possible route to political salvation. Rush Limbaugh indeed reflects the hopes of the Rethuglican Party, he’s just not hesitant to admit it.

    As for Castle, any claim to being a moderate first, partisan second, went down the drain when he voted to impeach Bill Clinton.

    Like the religious fundamentalists who set the agenda for the GOP, leaders expect followers like Castle to leave their brains at the church door. Castle has obliged.

    El Somnambulo actually believes that Castle has already decided not to run for reelection. He is finally liberated to abandon any pretext toward moderation, and that explains his vote today.

  24. jason330 says:

    …Castle has already decided not to run for reelection. He is finally liberated to abandon any pretext toward moderation, and that explains his vote today.

    Could he quit, like, today? That would be nice.