Mark my words

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009

As the 2010 CENSUS draws closer, the Republicans will show how they really feel when it comes to the Spanish population in this country

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hiding in the open

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  1. I’ll tell you how we feel.

    We want the ones who are citizens oor legal immigrants on this side of the border.

    We want those who are not on the other side of the border.

    It is sort of similar to our position on criminal justice — we want the innocent outside of the jail and the guilty inside it.

    Would that Democrats would take similar positions.

  2. ahhhhh, nothing like racial profiling to bring a party of racists together.

  3. It is sort of similar to our position on criminal justice — we want the innocent outside of the jail and the guilty inside it

    this strikes me as a the biggest pile of bullshit this side of the Mississippi

  4. h. says:

    Racial profiling? Racists? You’re getting as bad as anon1.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    It is sort of similar to our position on criminal justice — we want the innocent outside of the jail and the guilty inside it.

    So we’ll count you as a YES that BushCo and his minions ought to be doing time for torturing people, then.

  6. annoni says:

    How many SPANIARDS are there in the United States?