Day 18: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 15, 2009

Today is the 18th day of Congressman Mike Castle’s betrayal of Delaware. He is now and forever shall be a minion of the Republican Party.

Here is Mike Castle’s personal horoscope for today:

Legal documents might turn to incomprehensible gibberish in your hands today, so try to put off any big commitments for at least another day. If you must sign, get someone you trust to check it out.

How is this day different than any other day?


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. annoni says:

    7 Dems voted agianst the Obama bill
    3 Republicans voted for it…

    doesn’ t that make the “NO” vote the more bipartisan one?

  2. nemski says:

    Interesting spin of the facts

  3. anonone says:

    Not if you go by percentages of each caucus…

  4. jason330 says:

    Having lived in “up is down” land for 8 years, he comes by his logic honestly.

  5. annoni says:

    show me your math

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Math, annoni? C’mon, even you should be able to work that out pretty quickly.

    But in a way it doesn’t matter — this is about Mike Castle and representing his constituents — including the majority Democratic ones who actually vote for the guy. Castle’s constituents here are about as bipartisan as it gets and he ought to keep that in mind.

  7. jason330 says:

    There is some math. 63 percent.

  8. Day 18 of Congressman Castle’s well thought out and principled vote on the ill advised bill..

    For those who support the bill please tell the world where the money for the ‘stimulus’ comes from?

    You might want to know-from the taxpayers to the tune of $1.3 trillion. You guys rightly rail against credit card companies and essentially the government has become a credit card company using us as its piggy bank.

    This bill will be seen as ill advised because real stimulus should have been higher with less reckless spending.

  9. Al Mascitti says:

    Yes, Mike. It comes from the same place the money for the foreign adventuring came from — the future taxpayers. But that was all right, wasn’t it, since we were spending that money overseas for the benefit of the oil companies. Spending money in the U.S. for American workers — hey, there we draw the line.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    Amen, Al. Republicans had no problem using future money to invade Iraq or to give tax cuts to the rich.

  11. a. price says:

    G-D wanted us to invade iraq and cut taxes and for the supreme court to appoint W. DUH!

    Anyone but Castle 2010…. just tell me who to mention when I knock on doors and make phone calls

  12. liz says:

    There was an article on line stating the wars in Iraq and Afganistan cost $8billion. Thats b…billion. Add the 8 years of tax cuts for the wealthiest amerikkans, and there you have it….the USA is dead broke. Thanks repukes, and some blue dog democrats!