Live Music at Noon – Rachel Schain

Filed in Delaware by on February 15, 2009

Come have brunch today at the Bellefonte Cafe in Wilmington, where you will be treated to the music of my lovely wife, Rachel Schain. She will be playing from noon until 3 (with breaks, of course). There will be good food, comfortable, casual atmosphere, and friendly people.

Here’s Rachel singing “The Fade to Black”, which is a cover of a Secret Dakota Ring song. Andy Ross of Secret Dakota Ring told Rachel, “You sing that better than I do!” and linked to it from his own site.


The Bellefonte Cafe is at 804 Brandywine Blvd.


About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (2)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    That’s really good!

    Sorry not to be able to make it, but tell us earlier next time!

  2. Stella Bluez says:

    I read this too late…..I love the Bellfonte Cafe, I can walk there from my home….what a very cool place to be singing…..I hope she is there again, I will make it a point to attend (& have the best black bean soup ever!).