SNL Tried to Parody the GOP

Filed in National by on February 15, 2009


This parody from Saturday past is of the current GOP tactic of cheering on the failure of the economy so that they can get some electorial gain out of it.  Except this invoked to me the same watching a trainwreck feeling that I get when reading wingnut blogs these days.  It seemed just a little too real — because they really are saying this kind of stuff.  (Haven’t seen the Obama girls angle, but would not be at all surprised to see them go there any minute now.)

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (5)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    That was both funny and painful.

    My favorite part is when “Boehner” says his gut tells him it’s too soon for impeachment, that they need to wait until April.

  2. nemski says:

    I think the Satire tag is way off.

  3. Geezer says:

    I think it was too close to reality to prompt many laughs.

  4. jason330 says:

    I agree. I plays like documentary footage.

  5. anon says:

    Perhaps lining them all up to be shot was just an idea before its time…

    As each day passes…………