UPDATED: What a F’ing Chickenshit Loser Mike Castle Is

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009

UPDATE: It really was an egregious slight to women to even suggest that they, as a gender, had anything in common with the utter spineless uselessness that is Mike Castle.

I’m sorry. I know I was going to cut down on the profanity, but read this from “The Hill” and tell me that Mike Castle is not a chickeshit loser.

Castle and Upton entered the chamber together and walked to center aisle seats, where they sat together. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) quickly appeared by their side.

After the bell kicked off the vote, they took their time to vote as reporters analyzed their every move. A GOP leadership aide who closely monitored the vote theorized that the Castle and Upton watched for Cao’s position and felt reassured when the light next to his name turned up red, meaning a “no” vote.

What a freakshow.

NOTE TO ALLAN LOUDELL: I know you like to have people from The Hill on your afternoon drive time show if they are likely to trash Democrats. I wonder if Mike Soranghan will ever make it on your show since he is talking about the Sainted Mike Castle?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. DelawarePolitics.net - Delaware's Center Right Voice | February 16, 2009
  1. Art Downs says:

    Castle has been known to do the right thing rather often and this was one of those time.

    How many are stupid enough to vote on a 1,ooo+ page measure that no member of either house seemed to have read? Was this the fiscal analog of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?

    Obama the Omniscient is another hack shyster such as his VP, creatures who have carved out a soft life in politics with little experience in the real world. Sometimes the skills needed to do a real job are different than those needed to get elected.

    One look no farther than the recent AG race in this state. Ferris Wharton took on a powerful man with the best mouthpieces money could buy. Wharton’s professional brilliance did not equate to campainging expertise and he was beaten by a relative twerp with a famous name and an inherited skill in working a crowd. When nurses who acted at whistleblowers at the DPC were being threatened and records were being shredded, what did Baby Biden do? He sucked up to some polically-powerful union goons. Real courage!

  2. jason330 says:

    Obviously we disagree on the economic recovery plan – but it seems like we agree that Mike Castle is a dress wearing fop.

    I’ll take that common ground and build on that.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    We women don’t accept Rep. Castle. You men can have him.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    The point, Mr. Downs, is that this is all political gamesmanship. The problem I have is not that anyone (Castle, you) might have an issue with the spending and/or the role of gov’t. The problem is that you only make the argument now.

    Take two examples from the reign of W, TARP and Patriot ACT. Rushed through on fear. Nobody actually read it, etc. But I don’t recall the GOP outrage. Maybe you do?

    I object to the hypocrisy not the argument. W spends us into huge deficits and your silence was deafening. But now it’s a problem. What changed, I wonder?

  5. oh hai says:

    I’m just going to leave this right here…


    10 points for those who can identify.

  6. anon says:

    W’s spending bought him the 2004 election. Republicans were smart enough to keep quiet about it.

  7. Perry says:

    It’s over the line, and so are you Art Downs.

    Both the House and Senate versions of the R&R Act have been on-line, and the House-Senate conferees had ample time to communicate the changes to their respective parties, so you are misleading on the criticism that there wasn’t enough time to read it. Considering how important it was, every single Senator and Representative should have read every word of it — no excuses! And recall, for the Patriot Act, there really wasn’t enough time, so you Repubs did not set the example you now want to follow. There’s a word to describe that kind of behavior, and it begins with an “h”, which certainly does not describe you, Artdo, now does it?

    And on the nurses at the DPC, who threatened them. Certainly you are not implying Beau Biden, are you Artdo? True, Wharton was not a good campaigner, but if you have a beef about BB on his record, how about voicing that, instead of your meaningless innuendos.

    Finally, because BB happens to be the son of a leader, do we then punish him politically, as you are attempting to do?

  8. Perry says:

    Well spoken, Dorian. Let us now see what Artdo has to say — probably nothing!

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    If Republicans voted against the bill without reading it, that means they are irresponsible.

    I know Republicans think this is all a game, but the Bush recessepression is affecting all of our lives negatively. I don’t appreciate the Republicans’ deeply unserious approach to our nation’s problems. They should either start trying to solve problems, or get out of the way of the people who are.

  10. liz says:

    Jason, you really didnt have to disparage women by putting them in the same sentence with this neocon. We had a woman who has proven to have been right on every issue, including “no bucks for the bankers”.

    Everyone who voted for this fraud, have no one to blame but yourselves. His “experience doesnt work for us”, but the candidate who should have won…”was correct on the issue”!

    So much for experience, experience at screwing the citizens of Del. over, and over, and over.

  11. a. price says:

    So where is the petition we can all start signing to send to Mikey telling him how many votes are going to whoever is running against him