Burris Is A Liar

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009

With all of my heart, I hate him. His smugness, his elitism, his holier-than-thou attitude, his inability to apologize. Well, what comes around goes around as  perjury is a thing politicians love.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (27)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Did you see that press conference? The few minutes I saw (on You Tube) were uglyuglyugly. And I didn’t buy abit of it.

    ps. I went to look for some polling on an IL-Sen race. Dkos has some from the end of January. The likely R candidates are certainly weak, but there are ALOT of undecideds. It is too bad they didn’t just go for a Special Election.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t even understand why Burris lied. Supposedly, Burris didn’t give any money to Blago, so why would he lie? Having contact with Blago about the Senate seat is not illegal, only agreeing to a payment in exchange. Blago and Burris are twins, I’m convinced. They’re both grandiose fabulists.

  3. John Feroce says:

    No fair. We need one of your contributors to have the same name as a US Senator.

    I can only imagine the headlines to come.

  4. pandora says:

    My last name is Cantor.

    I kid, I kid!

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    I know John, my heart sank when I read the header..I thought …here we go again…and from a nice guy like Nemski.

  6. John Feroce says:

    “My last name is Cantor.”

    I need a Dem though, because the individual needs to mess up or it won’t be any fun 🙂

  7. John Feroce says:

    “I know John, my heart sank when I read the header..I thought …here we go again…and from a nice guy like Nemski.”

    I’ll admit, my first thought was…what the hell did Dave do now?

  8. cassandra_m says:

    That is interesting. The first two Dem commenters knew right off who the referenced Burris was….

  9. John Feroce says:

    “That is interesting. The first two Dem commenters knew right off who the referenced Burris was….”

    The Header Cassandra, the Header. I’ll take your word for it that it didn’t cross your mind til you got to the body of the post.

  10. jason330 says:

    The headline was what sold me on the gag.

    You got me Nemski.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    I need to go on vacation again.

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    No, I noticed the headline of course and I knew nemski was making a play on the Jason/Burris feud but decided not to go down that path.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:


    You can’t go on vacation again. You see what happens when you’re not around!

  14. Delaware Dem says:


    That was my first thought. Nemski really hates Dave.

    And you say you need a Dem last name. Like a Republican has never screwed up or garnered negative press on your site? Oh wait….

  15. Truth Teller says:

    Look he corrected the record after reading the transcript of the hearings . that is one defence against a perjury charge. The Repuks are yelling so what’s new. NO BIG DEAL MOVE ON FOLKS>

  16. Delaware Dem says:


    You have long been a defender of Burris. I fail to see why. He has the taint of corruption on him, and his “forgetfullness” helps matters not.

    It is a big deal, because he wants to run for election in his own right in 2010. I want him to be defeated in the upcoming primary, and with this latest, hopefully it will be.

    I get the sense that your defense of him has to due with his race. I believe, when we were discussing whether he should be seated, that you said you would like to see Harry Reid try to bar an African American senator from the Senate. Forgive me if I am mistaking you for someone else if you did not say that.

    If you are corrupt, then you are corrupt. If you perjured yourself, then you perjured yourself. Race has nothing to do with it. Bill Jefferson of Louisiana was just as corrupt as Bill Cunningham of San Diego. One was black. One was white. Race matters not. If you are only defending him because he is black, then the shame is on you.

  17. a. price says:

    Here here. I also refute the idea that the majority leader of a senate that produced the first black president is himself a racist. As when my “old country grandfather” proclaims that it is “bad for the Jews” when someone like Bernie Madoff does his thing, I would think black people would rather corrupt black officials just go away and let people like Barack Obama be the model for black politicians.
    …. could be wrong not making any assumptions or judgments….

    Castle must go. Draft the DL contributors for congress!!!!!

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    DelGem-I am so proud of you!

  19. Unstable Isotope says:


    Perhaps you were referring to Duke Cunningham? I’m not sure if Bill is his given name or not.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, Duke Cunningham. I thought his real name was Bill too. I was going for symmerty there.

  21. h. says:

    Corrupt Illinois politicians. Makes me nervous.

    I’m surprised more of you aren’t playing the ” they’re only picking on him because he is black” card.

  22. RSmitty says:

    Just saw this nemski. You are one crazy dude. I was all geared up to do the parent-admonish thing that I tend to do, then I actually managed to read the post.

    Go to your room for tricking me, damnit! 😛

  23. anon says:

    BLOG-NANNIES: “What a horrible person you are for calling someone a liar and saying you hate them! Some things are out of bounds!

    BLOGGER: “I was talking about a Democrat.”

    BLOG-NANNIES: “Oh. Carry on.”

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Bravo, anon!

    Jumping to conclusions — it’s STILL what’s for breakfast!

  25. Joanne Christian says:

    No cassandra–jumping to conclusions–our daily work-out! Part of Get Fit Delaware….

  26. David says:

    I have to go with Burris on this one. This is a political lynching. The man got cut off before he finished his answer and instead of letting it leave a false impression, he went out of his way to ensure the rest of the story was made known under oath.

    That is change I can believe in. Only a man of the highest intergrity would do that. The fact that this is being twisted to say the opposite is worthy of the Twilight Zone.