If the Republicans were smart….

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009

…they would tap into the populist anger in the country, like the British Tories are doing.

David Cameron [, the Leader of the Conservative Party,] has stressed that no cash bonuses over £2,000 should be paid to any employee of a bank which has a significant taxpayer shareholding.

Can you imagine the American GOP suggesting that corporate executives be paid a bonus no more than $3,000 a year? Indeed, I believe they went nuts over capping it at $200,000.

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  1. Morning Line - February 17, 2009 : Delmarva Dealings | February 17, 2009
  1. cassandra_m says:

    The modern GOP is definitely interested in renegotiating contracts of union workers so they make minimum wage.

  2. Mark H says:

    No, I think they’d like to get rid of unions altogether 🙂 , Then lower minimum wage

  3. jason330 says:

    If the Republicans were smart….they’d be Democrats.

  4. TPN says:

    …and the entire world would be converted to unicorn power.

  5. Art Downs says:

    How much of a bonus did Franklin Delano Raines rip off from Fannie Mae while cooking the books? For which president was he the Budget Director? From where to we get such men?

    I believe that no one believes that failure should be rewarded with a platinum parachute but it appears as if a lot of the money changers were pumping money into the Obama campaign,

    Some of the really big guys may have been using pseudonyms such as ‘Good Will’ and we will likely never learn the truth.

    Will the ripoff by some of the hustlers be a ploy to limit the pay of even those executives who run profitable firms and do not seek subsidies and handouts?

  6. Mike M. says:

    I’d be willing to bet a good number of British “Tories” would be Democrats if they lived in the good old U S of A. They might look more like Carper politically, but they’d at least identify with our more “liberal” party.

  7. Mrs XStryker says:

    I think you might have a point about the Tories, Mike. Well, at least some of them. Everytime I talk to my English friends they tell me the most amazing things about the benefits they recieve from the government. Their last two years of high school (well, the equivalent thereof) aren’t compulsory, so in order to keep kids in lower income brackets from dropping out, students are PAID £30 a week as long as they attend all their classes! There are bonuses for high grades too, so there’s added incentive to work hard. This particular girl has since started studying medicine at Kings College, Cambridge (one of the most competitive programs in the WORLD, let alone the country). According to her, all medical programs cost the same amount, no matter where you’re attending University, so it means that whether you’re at Oxford, Cambridge, or Middle-of-Nowhere Medical School you’re paying the same amount. Your ability to attend the best school is only limited by your own personal aptitude, not by your wallet. I think it’s a brilliant plan.

    Did I mention I’m going to the UK in 8 months 9 days?

    PS, David Cameron’s a wanker, according to my Brit friends.

  8. Mrs XStryker says:

    …How did I end up in moderation?