They Love Mike Milqutoast

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009

The New mastehead is instructive on so many levels.

Look how much they love Mike Castle in spite of his recent pandering to wingnuts. Bill Lee gets even less face time.

Also, who knew pedobear was a Republican?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (37)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Who’s that man all the way to the right? 😉


  2. anon says:

    Who’s that man all the way to the right?

    All of them.

  3. oh hai says:

    Pedobear being a Republican makes sense.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Again… theory and federalism and taxes and all that are well are good… but bottom line… the GOP are a bunch of fucking dorks. Looks at those pictures… what a party!! Milquetoast ain’t the half of it. It looks like the pleated khakis and oversized golf shirts convention. Ghastly.

  5. Soapboxken says:

    What’s that weird hamster thing?

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Are they trying to claim Frederick Douglass?

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Frederick Douglass and other African Americans were republicans at that time — the party of Lincoln.

    Frederick Douglass wouldn’t much recognize that party anymore — since modern republicans would oppose the ending of slavery because it would hurt the economy.

  8. jason330 says:

    …and upset God’s plan.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    I’m surprised that MLK isn’t up there!

    Republicans love to say that he was one of them, though funny enough all of MLK’s closest associates and followers have voted and supported Dems/Liberals since 1964.

    I wonder why? 😉

  10. TPN says:

    And modern Democrats would be subsidizing slave owning as economic “stimulus”.

    Oh that’s right, the old Democrats did it too.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    MLK’s wife and best friends were pretty insistent that MLK was not a republican. And MLK was a very harsh critic of Goldwater.

  12. TPN says:

    MLK was too enlightened to be a dumbass partisan, for any side.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Any student of history and politics knows that the political parties have essentially switched positions in the last 140 years. Teddy Roosevelt, a progressive, a trust buster, would not recognize the Republican Party today. Neither would Lincoln. The same is true of the old Democrats. Grover Cleveland would be a Republican today. So would Andrew Johnson.

  14. TPN says:

    Any intelligent student of history and politics would scarcely hold such a vapid and partisan assessment.

    None of these historic figures would likely even comprehend what our system of government has become now, as built by both parties.

  15. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wilson, perhaps as well although he did start the League of Nations.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    TPN is right about one thing, you cannot say what historical figures may think or believe based on the way the world is today.

    Though in the case of MLK, his death was at the advent of the Civil Rights Movement and therefore, today’s standards are applicable. Conversely, a plausible assumption cannot be made for Fredrick Douglas. Too much time has past.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    All of this underscores why the new banner art over there is ridiculously stupid.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    You got that right. Very few of the old heads on that banner would recognize what their party has become and I’d bet alot of money that they wouldn’t endorse alot of the current ideology or tactics. Frederick Douglass would not have stuck around for the Southern Strategy, for instance.

  19. jason330 says:

    If you had to give a name to that banner I’d call it:
    “We are not a bunch of white guys party. See?”

  20. TPN says:

    Well I doubt Caesar Rodney on the above masthead would endorse your liberal fascism in his Delaware.

  21. Dorian Gray says:

    Although I would relish any opportunity to mock the folks at DE Lib, T, that comment was fucking asinine. CR is a symbol of the state and, moreover, the picture is the DE state quarter. I’d guess whatever moniker chosen for the coin could have been used. I don’t think the bloggers are saying anything about CR himself.

    Hey maybe you were kidding. Or maybe you dropped acid at lunch… Or maybe the fascism comment has my pants in a twist. In any case… bullshit comment.

  22. TPN says:

    If you had to give a name to that banner I’d call it:“We are not a bunch of white guys party. See?”

    Hear! hear!…white guy Democrat.

    DG – yes, it was a joke. Do I have to be a contributor to make idiotic over-the-top comments in here?

    Just testing.

  23. Delaware Dem says:

    Liberal Fascism?

    Why Tyler sounds like he has been listening to Rush again. Or at the very least Rick Jensen is spiking his coffee.

  24. liz says:

    I don’t think either party should be lovin what their parties have become….both are corporate parties, working against the american people. One snake with two heads.

  25. Delaware Dem says:

    Do I have to be a contributor to make idiotic over-the-top comments in here?

    No, you only have to be a Republican.

  26. TPN says:

    Great! Bi-partisan idiocy!!

    So glad we can work together finally.

  27. Dorian Gray says:

    I stand corrected. Fair enough.

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    Also, Tyler…

    The presence of Caesar Rodney is only in the context of the Delaware state quarter. If Dickinson was on the quarter, he would be up there on the masthead. I designed the logo just looking for a symbol of Delaware, and hence the quarter’s placement in the center of DELAWARE and LIBERAL. I am not claiming ownership of the politics of Mr. Rodney, nor am I claiming that Mr. Rodney would endorse our politics.

    You can’t say the same with respect to DP.

  29. TPN says:

    Lighten up, Francis…

  30. pandora says:

    Psst… Tyler hates emoticons. Don’t ya, Tyler! 🙂

    Oops, sorry!

  31. TPN says:

    Hah. Yes pandora and I was just now writing : an emoticon would have come in handy.

    Curse them anyway!!

    When they have the smiley face with the bullet hole in the forehead, let me know…

  32. pandora says:

    I’m waiting for one with sound effects. A primal scream, for example!

    Truth is, I’m not sure what some of our historical figures would think about today’s politics, but I keep thinking Jefferson would be disappointed that we weren’t further along.

  33. Delaware Dem says:

    I think this would be an appropriate “emoticon”:

  34. pandora says:

    Hey, how do you do that? And when did you videotape me?

  35. TPN says:

    Good God, DD.

    It’s only funny ’cause it’s true…even if euphemistic of the real thing.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, I do not lose my arms, eyes, and face during flame wars.

  37. John Feroce says:

    I don’t get it. What’s wrong with the new header?