A New Delaware State Quarter and a New DL Logo.

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009

In a few weeks, months, years, centuries, milleniums, or epochs (Geek and Nemski-willing), Delaware Liberal 3.0 will be launched. With it, a new Delaware Liberal logo, which I am still working on (so Geek and Nemski can make the same jokes on me). So no longer with the Delaware State Quarter greet you every morning. No longer will Caesar Rodney adorn our pages.

And it looks like Caesar Rodney will no longer adorn the Delaware State Quarter:

Gov. Jack Markell has asked residents for their opinions on what should adorn the next Delaware state quarter.

His proposals: the Old State House, John Dickinson Mansion, Fort Christina, Howard High School, Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, New Castle Court House, New Castle Historic District, Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge and Bombay Hook Wildlife Refuge.

The News Journal wants you to email your ideas to dequarter@delawareonline.com by noon Wednesday.

And Delaware Liberal wants to hear your ideas on our new logo. Oh I am sure our conservative commenters will offer such fine suggestions as a Donkey’s ass or what not. But I am sure some of you have some good ideas out there.

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  1. xstryker says:

    Punkin Chunkin!

  2. anon says:

    A cut-up credit card.

  3. I think the quarter should feature Ruth Ann Minner taking a dump on an outline of the state.

  4. Reis says:

    Please ignore rumors that Governor Markell has made a request that my likeness adorn the new quarter.

  5. anon says:

    Sharp Lab or some other reasonably attractive and historic engineering building on the UD campus.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Screen door factory?

    Nah – I say the New Castle Courthouse. It literally shaped who we (the state) are today.

  7. Nooneimportant says:

    The Kalmar Nyckel for the quarter… as for the DL logo– still thinking about it.

  8. h. says:

    A six fingered, webbed foot DuPont.

    They literally made the state what it is today.

  9. Reis says:

    DL logo: the picture of Ruth Ann doing the Delaware Bay “Sneaker Test”. For a lot of reasons, that picture sums up the depth and intelligence of her administration.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Like the duPont idea – those are a bunch of loonies – maybe Bellevue Mental Hospital then?

  11. Dorian Gray says:

    anon – I get the engineering thing but I was always partial to Old College or Memorial Hall.

  12. h. says:

    The Stone Balloon

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    New Castle Courthouse

    For DL…I don’t know. I always like the esoteric, so perhaps I’m not a good person to ask.

  14. anonymous says:

    Vacant MBNA buildings surrounded by chain link fencing.

  15. Mark H says:

    Bottle and Cork in the late 70’s early 80’s

  16. Reis says:

    I have pictures of the Bottle & Cork from around that time, but they all look like blurry double-exposures for some reason.

  17. h. says:

    The Delaware Memorial Bridge

  18. Mark H says:

    “I have pictures of the Bottle & Cork from around that time, but they all look like blurry double-exposures for some reason.”

    Uhh that’s all the visual memory I have of the Cork 🙂

  19. edisonkitty says:

    It’s hard to top Caesar Rodney as the definitive Delaware image, but how about the Betsy Ross thirteen star flag at Cooch’s Bridge for the quarter.

  20. Another Mike says:

    1) Stanley’s Tavern
    2) Any strip mall
    3) Father Roberto Balducelli

  21. a. price says:

    joe biden’s hair, teeth, and ego (on a separate coin)

  22. S. Wix says:

    I suggest the Gov. Ross Mansion in Seaford. The Seaford Historical Society has worked hard to get this included in DE history.

  23. anon2700 leaving now says:

    CR is the definitive image? Really?? Uhm… no.

    I suggest a chicken house.

  24. anon2700 leaving now says:

    S Wix – only problem with the Ross mansion was it was owned by a slaveowning Confederate ex-governor who ran away to England du ring the war.

  25. Joan says:

    How about the Zwaanendael Museum in Lewes? It has the logo as being the first town in the first state.