Day 20: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009

Castle’s Anti-Economic Recovery Vote Surprised Dem Party Insiders

Even jaded long-time Delaware politicos were surprised and saddened by Castle’s lockstep vote with the radical Republican leadership.

“Everyone in Delaware has worked with Mike Castle at one time or another and nobody saw this coming.” said one person who works with Castle and his staff frequently and thought that Castle would show himself to be the moderate that he claims to be.

There was widespread thinking that the former Governor of Delaware would have the guts and the independence to vote his conscience and break with the GOP leadership on this important economic recovery legislation. “I’ve lost a lot of respect for him. It’s sad, actually.” another insider said.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Nancy says:


  2. jason330 says:

    My blogging Jedi powers are great, but I can’t link to telephone conversations I’ve had. (Geek, can you get to work on that?)

    One note: I’ll grant that the only insider that matters is Tom Carper and I doubt he was surprised.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why were they surprised? Did they really buy the spin that Castle was some kind of moderate?

  4. jason330 says:

    Maybe they think he is running again?

  5. anon says:

    Castle needs to be grilled at every opportunity on why his votes are out of step with the Delaware delegation and the voters. It shouldn’t be that hard to paste an “out of touch” sticker on Castle’s forehead.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    I just hope if Castle is running again (I’m with Jason in thinking he’ll retire) that the Democratic candidate will be aggressive in going after Castle and his actual voting record.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Castle can’t run now. His political career in Delaware is finished. If he was running for reelection and the Senate, he would have voted for the Bill. There are simply not enough wingnuts like Feroce, Burris and Anderson in Delaware that would be “impressed” with him toeing the party line.

  8. John Feroce says:

    “There are simply not enough wingnuts like Feroce, Burris and Anderson in Delaware that would be “impressed” with him toeing the party line.”

    But there are enough Dangerous Dems in Congress that would make any GOP candidate viable to mainstream voters.

  9. h. says:

    Holy fuck … let it go already, he’s a republican for god’s sake. Did you really think he would vote yes?

  10. Mr Castle used his brain and decided correctly.

    Listening to Dem insiders should be the last source of intelligence in Delaware.

  11. RSmitty says:

    Heard you on the Talkback today, you ninny (that’s to J).

  12. Bill Dunn says:

    Seeing that the Dem’s have had such a tidal wave of office gains, I’ve been weary of a backlash in voting by many next election, in order to maintain a competitive political environment. Then again, we do live in Delaware and Castle was likely to stay in lockstep with the national “Party” as he always does in the first year after re-election. Its only in the second year of his term that he depict himself as being a moderate Republican.
    I have little doubt that Castle will run again (because the Repub’s have no one in the bullpen) and Delawarean’s are extremely unlikely to put their blinders on to allow him to be his typical lapdog self.

    Keep it up Mike, please keep it up.

  13. xstryker says:

    One is to cut taxes, which can be highly effective.

    Except that they have never pulled the country out of a serious recession, ever, except when the unresolved income disparity led to another recession less than five years later.

    Tax cuts are the economic equivalent of phlogiston, and this misinformation is coming from a Global Warming denier anyway.

  14. Delaware Dem says:


    If you are going to spam every comment thread with copied articles from other sites, then I will be deleting those comments. First, because it is spam. Second, because it is a copyright violation.

    You are free to argue whatever point you want. But make it your own words. Provide links to the article if you want. Do not repost it wholesale.

  15. Delaware Dem says:


    We will be doing this from now until the bastard leaves office.

    Yes, you will be seeing Day 720 of Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware.

  16. xstryker says:

    let it go already, he’s a republican for god’s sake. Did you really think he would vote yes?

    I was hoping he’d vote yes, and he didn’t. Now we get to flog him for this until he’s voted out of office. And we will flog him, and he will lose. And we will enjoy every moment of it.

  17. jason330 says:


    I had to look up Phlogiston. You erudite bastard!

  18. Geezer says:

    “But there are enough Dangerous Dems in Congress that would make any GOP candidate viable to mainstream voters.”

    Please cite the Delaware race any candidate has ever won by running against the opponent’s national party. If that worked, KHN (or Dennis Spivak) would be our representative today.

  19. xstryker says:

    Yeah, and Dangerous Republicans got us into Iraq. Don’t think we’ve forgotten that!

  20. Another Mike says:

    “But there are enough Dangerous Dems in Congress that would make any GOP candidate viable to mainstream voters.”

    Who? Any candidate? You mean like a Christine O’Donnell or Mike Protack?

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Mainstream voters are pretty appalled by the behavior of the Dangerous Repubs in Congress — when GOP governors look more like real leadership than their counterparts in Congress mainstream voters continually be reminded how dangerous these repubs still are.

    Not to mention that these Dangerous Repubs are fully responsible for the meltdown we’re currently in…..

  22. John Feroce says:

    “Please cite the Delaware race any candidate has ever won by running against the opponent’s national party. If that worked, KHN (or Dennis Spivak) would be our representative today.”

    We are an incumbent driven state, so there are few opportunities to cite. Even when we have open seats it’s an incumbent rotation.

    Having said that, Dennis Spivak is a perfect example of that, he did much better than expected. Furthermore I would contend that Tom Wagner had a scare solely based on a Republican Backlash.

  23. John Feroce says:

    In response to the other commentators referring to my #8 – YOU are in the majority now and have the support of the President.

    Thus a Reid/Pelosi Tag team is going to steamroll good ideas and flood our govt with pork and big govt. With that in mind, I stand by my point.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Right — cheering on economic failure while pretending to “good ideas”. Even though everyone can see that the only ideas you have left are those that haven’t worked so far.

    Good luck with that.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Is it me or am I the only one who voices while reading Protack’s tripe with Twiggy from Buck Rogers?

  26. Unstable Isotope says:

    What Republicans are offering good ideas? All I’ve heard are more tax cuts!

  27. Perry says:

    That’s why Cassandra said “good ideas”, sarcasm, you know?

  28. Art Downs says:

    At least one of the three had the courage to stand up to a costly power grab that is far worse than mere pork.

    Obama seems to have his Roots in the New Deal and Reconstruction.

    What nation has taxed or hyper-inflated itself into prosperity? Where are those ‘workers’ paradises’ that were so attractive that fences, walls, and minefields had to be erected to keep out those refugees from capitalism and free markets?